Misfit friends

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I ended up staying over at Adam's house last night and we played some video games and had a long talk about how long we had been friends. I think I teared up at that and Adam had shoved me, calling me a 'homo' which was only half true. I was just glad Adam wasn't going to reject our friendship over something like this; he seemed pretty okay with it. He still thought Axel was an asshole, though, and I told him he got pissed when Adam slapped my ass, which made Adam laugh and say he'd do it more often.

We had gone to school the next day straight from his house and I was lucky my parents trusted me enough to stay over on a school night. Since it was Friday, I just wanted to rush through the day so that I could get to Axel and I's date tomorrow.

 I had spent all of first lesson wondering where we would go and what we would do. Axel didn't exactly seem like the movie and dinner type of guy; he seemed more like a concert and matching eyebrow piercing kind of guy, but he'd surprised me before, so maybe he would again tomorrow.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Adam asked, poking my cheek with a pencil. 

We had five minutes until the lesson was over and I couldn't wait for it to come. I was bored out of my mind.

"I'm just wondering where Axel will take me on our date tomorrow." I blushed, watching Adam scrunch up his features in distaste.

"What do you see in him? Actually, I don't want to know. Are you dating, then? Like, what do you do? I swear you have, like, nothing in common." Adam frowned.

"I mean on the surface we don't. We have completely different music taste and dress differently and stuff, but we've spent so much time together over the last week and we have tonnes in common. It's really easy to talk to him and he's funny; he makes me laugh and, not to mention, he's the hottest man alive. Plus, he's got a secret sweet side." I started to gush, excited that I got to talk about guys to my best friend for the first time ever. 

If you would have told me I would be talking to Adam about my crush on a guy a month back I would have laughed in your face, but I was so happy that I had told him.

"I get it, you like him. You didn't answer my question, though. Are you together? A thing? What would you call it, boyfriends?" Adam asked curiously, laying his head on the desk but turning his head to look at me.

"No, but it's really confusing. We do all the boyfriend stuff but without the title. It's fine, I told him I wanted to wait until I told you and my parents before we started dating anyway, so I'm not worried. He'll probably ask me tomorrow, on our date." I shrugged, since it would make sense for him to ask then.

"Don't sweat it." Adam patted my shoulder reassuringly as the bell rang, dismissing us.

I jumped up with a grin and followed Adam to our next class. We pretty much had all our classes together and it was really convenient for me. I could just follow him and end up where I needed to be without looking at my timetable. We were strolling down the busy corridor when we passed Axel and Bones with their entire group hanging around Bones' locker looking pretty intimidating but Axel looked hotter than ever. 

He caught me eyeing him from across the corridor and smirked. I had texted him this morning, telling him that everything had gone perfectly with Adam and I could tell he was more than excited to finally be able to kiss me whenever he wanted to. His eyes shone as he pushed Bones off. He was leaning on him again, like he was at the fair, which made a jealous pang go off in my chest. 

Axel crossed the corridor to where I was walking with Adam with a smirk plastered across his face. Adam had noticed that I had stopped walking and rolled his eyes, spotting Axel approaching.

Axel gently pushed me back against the locker as he held onto my waist. His knee went between my legs as he claimed my lips, my hands flying up to his hair like usual, tugging on it as we made out. I wasn't even sorry that Adam had to awkwardly wait for me to be done and I didn't even realise everyone else in the corridor had gone silent, watching me kiss the edgy Greek god passionately. Axel pulled away, tugging on my lip with his teeth as he did. I blushed; we were in public! Did we have no shame?

"Fuck, I'm so glad that I can do that now." A smile teased Axel's lips as his breath fanned my lips, smelling of cigarettes. 

It was quickly becoming my favourite scents. Axel's clothes smelt of it too and I could taste it on his tongue whenever I kissed him. 

"I'm ditching class with my group, you want to come? No worries if you don't want to, I know you're a goody two shoes."

I weighed up my options: on one hand I could go to maths and sit through an hour of listening to my teacher drone on about surds while I contemplate jumping out the maths classroom window, or I could go make out with an edgy Greek god under the bleachers with his misfit friends. An easy decision.

"Of course." I grinned, "Adam, are you ditching too?"

"Yeah, sure. I hate maths." Adam shrugged, following behind us with a huff. 

I could tell he was slightly salty that I had just made out in front of him and a whole corridor of people, but I didn't care. It was worth it.

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