| Author's Note |

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Hey there, this is just a little note before you begin reading Rainbow Magic, since there are some things I need to go over.

Please read, so that nothing comes back around to bite you where the sun don't shine.

The first draft of this book is currently complete, however, I have not marked this book as completed since it isn't. I am currently working on the edited version of this, and any chapters titled in the following format Chapter Number: Chapter Title have been edited, and may not allign plot or story-wise with unedited chapters. Updates for this are slow, and rather random, since I am writing both this edited version and the Sequel to Rainbow Magic which is now up on my profile.

This book is the first in the Dragon Rider Series, which will consist of three books in total.

I started this randomly once I saw too many other dragon rider or academy books where either:

A. The Main Character has the super-powerful-all-conquering-awesomeness of a power and has the strongest type of dragon possible. >MARY SUE ALERT<

B. The Main Character finds themselves getting attacked by intelligent dragons for no apparent reason, or a stereotypical bully picks on them for no apparent reason other than maybe the fact they bumped into them and politely apologised... possibly for being raised as a mere human (the latter sometimes coincides with point A and the bully then realises they f***ed up majorly when they get their butt handed to them a few chapters down the line).

C. The Main Character (usually a girl) ends up being the only female/male/species occasionally with some cute non-human trait like magical fairy wings which sparkle and don't impede lying down at all. This character then normally goes on to hypnotise every single possible love interest.

D. The Main Character is on par with the teachers, or sometimes even better, in terms of skills, or the staff are just really naff and unqualified... either that, or one of them is obviously a form of spy/traitor who speaks to their dark master through a menacing, evil-looking orb which no one questions.

There are no doubt, plenty more examples, but please don't get offended if you've written a book like any of those. Some great books have been written with some of these ideas, though often not A since that normally results in a lack of character developement. A little twist is all that's needed, and not one we can see from a mile away.

This book has not been professionally edited, so there will no doubt be the occasional typo and I'm giving you the green light to point these out. Also, I'm from England so I write in British English (no kidding), so the spelling of certain words may be different like with colour and color, or humour and humor.

You also may see some familiar names from my other books, and that's purely because I have a lot of ideas on the go and I can't find lots of different names for every single book. It just so happends the ideas I've taken forward happen to carry some of the same names as each other. I don't really want to change names either, since I've gotten attached to them and the name seems to fit for each character.

I'm also giving you the green light with constructive criticism, but it has to be just that: constructive. There's a fine line between criticism and hate. Don't cross it, please, otherwise I will crack down on you like Oz does on his students.

But don't worry. I won't bite off your head if you point out something horrifyingly inconsistent or a ridiculous plot hole. Well, so long as you do it in a polite manner.

Please don't advertise your book in the comments either, it's rather rude, and if I come across it, I'll likely delete it (so it's a waste of time).

I would also like to point out that this is a fantasy book, not a fanfiction. I believe somebody got confused, but I came up with the plot and the characters. Additionally, if any point you no longer wish to continue with this book then either leave quietly, or leave after giving me some constructive criticism.

Additionally, you can always wait for the edited version to be finished, if you don't like or understand the original drafts, since I freely admit they got confusing and lacked a plot other than Sora trying to survive the outer city.

That's my bit said and done, so I hope you enjoy the story.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now