Author's Note + Sequel Announcement

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Who saw that one coming?

Hey, it's Illenis here, in case you hadn't guessed for some strange reason. I just want to thank you all for reading this far in, and to let you know I saw all of your comments and votes, though I might not be able to remember them all, or have managed to reply to all of them.

I usually flick through just before going to bed, so I don't have much time, and I'm usually looking through about 400 odd notifications.

Though I must admit I'm a bit lost on the conversation thread going on in 'Lessons in Magic' I believe.

Currently, I'm editing Rainbow Magic a lot. I'm on the first round of edits, and they'll probably be a bit of a second round too (though that should just be minor changes or correcting any typos I've missed).

I started this book on a bit of a whim, because I was tired of the cliches of 'sole girl dragon rider' and the 'girl/boy with the most powerful type of dragon possible' which kept cropping up... hence the plot twist at the end of this book.

A few of you theorised something close-ish to this.

Clever bunnies.

Apologies for the delay in getting out these last two chapters. I've just had my January exams at University, which ate into a lot of my writing time, especially over December with all my revision.

This book is far from perfect and polished. Starting this for fun led to a bit of a lack of a plot, hence why it was a bit all over the place. I've now solidified the backstories for the main cast, made the plotline a bit clearer and made a note of all the big as well as little details I need to add in, so you've got plenty to look forwards to in the both the edited version and the sequel that's coming.

The chapters are also getting longer, much longer. The last few chapters have all been around the 600 odd word mark, whereas my edited chapters are closer to 2000 I believe.

It's probably ideal to read the edited chapters, if you hadn't already, before you move onto the sequel -- which, should time be nice to me, should be coming out within the next week or two, though I will be focusing slightly more on getting the edited chapters of this book done (so there may be rather slow updates for Book 2 in the beginning).

I'll be updating the cover for book one in a little while (after I've done more edits) before I put up book two, but speaking of book two...

I'll be updating the cover for book one in a little while (after I've done more edits) before I put up book two, but speaking of book two

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Yep, there's an ongoing theme of rainbows.

I still need to get the blurb sorted, but that's what the cover will look like, and there's a similarly themed one for book one on the way too.

I hope it's not too evil of a cliffhanger of sorts to leave you on, but hopefully that'll make you read the second book to see what on earth I have planned.

Cue evil laughter.

Anyways... before I forget...

I've seen ship names being thrown around for characters, and me likey... but I'll leave the pairings I've decided on as a surprise for now. We've got an official sort of name for the SoraxOz ship, which I believe is Ozra (correct me if I'm wrong), but if you've decided on what the others should be called, feel free to let me know and I'll make a whole list of shippy names here.

Once again, thank you so much for reading this far, and for all the support you've given me with this book.

I'll be flipping the completed marker on this book after I've finished the edits, I think, so this will come up as ongoing till then.

See you in book two soon.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now