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It took two weeks for everything to calm down.

Sora was still none the wiser as to what exactly was going on, much to her disappointment, and Oz had been evading her attempts to pin him down and question him. Still, she had more pressing matters on her mind – worries which soon overtook any concerns about the so-called Last Necromancer.

Her egg.

Her infuriating, annoying egg.

The only one which refused to hatch.

She glared at it, sitting on her bed. Even the Keeper had seemingly given up on it, though she suspected he'd given it back to her because he was afraid it would become too big to stay in the hatchery.

It had.

She could no longer fit it through her doorframe, meaning it was stuck in her room until it did something. Anything.

Sora closed her eyes, staring at her gigantic egg. It now measured well past waist height. "Why won't you hatch?" she whispered, resting her hand against the shimmering surface. "Stupid dragon... What do you want from me?" Tears leaked down her face, her forehead butting against the cool surface.

She was the only one left out of not only her team, but the entire intake as well whose dragon hadn't hatched. Rumours were starting to spread. People saying she didn't actually have a dragon – her nervousness growing as the days went by. Oz had told her to ignore them on one of the few times he'd actually spoken to her, like the helpful instructor he was, but she couldn't. Not entirely at least.

Cynthia had even told her rumours of the Founder of the Outer City, and how people had never seen his dragon – some even speculating that he didn't have one, just like she didn't seem to have one.

Ethan had been his unhelpful self, grunting along with Cynthia at planned intervals.

None of that had helped.

Her shoulders slumped, eyes staring blankly at the large egg. It's growth was the only thing that proved it wasn't a dead egg, and even that was slowing to a halt.

"Why?" Her hands curled into fists, bashing lightly on the egg's surface.

A low hum answered her, almost as if the egg was coming to life... but that couldn't be right...

Sora blinked.

Why now?

"Are you going to hatch now?" she whispered, pulling herself back, freezing when she egg moved with her.

Eyes snapped to her hands, but she could only see one, the other having vanished past the shimmery surface of her egg. "What?" She yanked her fist back to no avail, only able to stare as the silvery shell rippled. It refused to give her hand back no matter how hard she pulled. She shuffled back, eyes wide – widening even further when she toppled off her bed, her oversized egg following her off the edge of the bedframe – and then the egg swallowed her whole and Sora vanished from the room.

The gentle ripples spreading across the egg were the only sign of what'd happened, and even then they faded. Its surface became solid once more, a faint light glowing inside the egg, glowing veins weaving across its scaled surface momentarily as a dull heartbeat sounded from inside.

Sora's heartbeat.

A knock at her door sounded moments later, a familiar head soon popping around the unlocked door. Raelynn peered around the room. "Sora?" she called hesitantly, listening to the wind howl as it gushed through the open window. It was oddly eerie, and far too quiet. "Oy! Sora!"

"Come on, imbecile." Silver scowled, appearing behind her. "We've got places to be."

"Sora's not here..."

"What? There's nowhere else she can be!" She shook her head, stepping into the room, blinking as she confirmed what Raelynn had said.

Sora was gone.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now