Chapter Thirty: To Gondor

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Elle leaned against the hallway wall, fiddling with her thumbs

Crossing her legs, she picked at the lace on the bottom of her dress, chewing on her lower lip.

Suddenly the doors to her side opened and Boromir and Legolas stepped out, glancing down at her. Elle jumped to her feet.

"Your turn," Boromir muttered. "Good luck."

Elle frowned, gazing through the doors toward the chambers inside. Gandalf and Théoden sat at the desk, talking quietly.

"What did they want?" She asked Legolas.

The elf looked slightly troubled, but he smiled. "You do not need to worry. They just went over our plan."

"And that is?" Elle pressed.

Boromir chuckled, nudging her forward. "Go hear for yourself." He yawned suddenly, shaking his head. "I'm exhausted, I think I'll retire."

Legolas looked sideways at her, "I'll wait."

Sighing, Elle nodded, cautiously pushing into the room. Both the old King and the old wizard glanced up as she stepped in.

"Tinnúviel," Théoden said with a small smile. "I trust you are healing well?"

"Just fine," Elle nodded, patting her side. "You'd barely even know I was ever injured."

Gandalf regarded her with unreadable blue eyes. Then he nodded to the seat across from the two of them, "Sit."

Elle bit her tongue, sliding into the cushioned chair. Suddenly, she felt like she was back in Elrond's chambers, so many months ago.

"So," she mumbled. "What's the plan?"

Théoden leaned back, studying her.

"You and the others shall travel to Gondor," Gandalf started. "Minus the hobbits."

Elle sat up, "Pippin and Merry aren't coming? Why not?"

"The White City is right on the mouth of Mordor," Gandalf shook his head. "If anything happens, it is better for the hobbits to be away from the chaos."

"Oh," Elle nodded. It made sense, yet it saddened her for their fellowship to be broken apart even more.

Then she blinked. "Do you expect something to happen?"

Gandalf's forehead crinkled, "I cannot say. There was been no news of Sam or Frodo."

Elle's stomach dropped and she bit her lip.

"My son shall accompany your group," Théoden voiced, leaning forward. "As well as a handful of soldiers."

Elle tilted her head, regarding the King. His eyes hung heavy-- he seemed to have aged a hundred years since the battle.

"Théoden, Éomer, and I shall gather those able to fight," Gandalf said. "Your quest is to convince Gondor to fight. We cannot defend Sauron's forces alone."

"Surely Gondor would aid us," Elle balked. "You said yourself, they're right on Mordor's doorstep!"

"You have not met Gondor's steward," Gandalf rubbed a hand over his face. "Aragorn will lead your group-- he is the rightful king of Gondor. Otherwise, I would hold him back as well."

Elle blinked at that, a lumping rising in her throat. Then she nodded, "I understand."

"I believe that is all," Théoden stated and Elle smiled, starting to rise.

But Gandalf held up a quick hand and she froze. He beckoned her back down and she slumped back into the chair, arching a brow.

Théoden looked at the old wizard curiously.

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