Chapter 1: Escaping from the inescapable

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The bus comes to a halt, and I am suddenly awaken from my nightmare. People get out of the bus, but I stay on my sit, waiting for it to start again, and take me somewhere far.

The images of the girls being tortured and killed are fresh on my mind, yet I try to tell myself none of it is real.

Even though it was real.

The moon shines brightly, and even though it is pretty late at night, there are many people covering the streets of Seoul. I let my head fall to the cold crispy window of the bus, and wait until it advances once again, taking me as far away from that place as possible.

I count on my head, trying to ignore the pain covering my entire body, but it is useless.

I did the right thing, didn't I? If I had stayed, I would have been killed. And death is not an option for me.

"Girl, you need to get out, the street is blocked, and I don't think these people are going to move anytime soon." I put my black hoodie down, covering my face from the bus driver, and nod thanks to him as I climb down the bus.

Indeed, the street was blocked with people screaming and pushing each other. The motive? None of my business. My only problem was to keep moving.

I make my way through the people, trying not to touch anyone. The last time I touched someone... didn't go so well.

"BTS! BTS! BTS!" I don't understand what is happening, what, why and who are people screaming to, chanting that word. But I keep my face down, and sprint silently through the street, trying to find a cafe where I can rest, make up my thoughts, and keep moving.

But suddenly, a gunshot echoed, and chanters turned into screams of fear.

People started to run everywhere, looking for shelter in the shops surrounding the street. Cars started their engines and run from this place.

Don't go, don't do it, If you get discovered, it might be your end. I tell myself, after all, it is none of my business, but what was left of a human inside of me, keeps my legs from moving.

I take my hoodie cap off and search for the source of the gunshot. As if in an instant, I localize the man holding the gun, and pointing at a young man trying to get on a giant black van with the letters 'BTS' on it.

I don't think twice, I run.

I push people carefully, but I manage to knock people with enough force to make myself a path towards the young man with shiny brown hair. The man with the gun is the farthest from me, so going towards the young man is the only way I can save him.

Only a few feet away from him, but I can see the finger of the man on the trigger, slowly aiming for the right shot.

Another gunshot sounds and both the young man and I fall to the ground.

"Jungkook? Jungkook!" People around me scream. I stand up in an instant, making sure the gunshot didn't injure the boy, and once I made sure he was safe, I follow towards the man, who has already run to an alley close to the street.

I make a few turns, not sure where I am, only following the black silhouette of the man who tried to commit murder on a street. Finally, I got him cornered.

"W-who are you? W-hat do you want?!" The man says, with his back against the tall wall that meets his end.

"You don't need to know who I am, but I have a question for you... why did you shoot that boy?" I say, trying to keep my anger beneath me, trying very hard not to launch at him and tear his head off.

"I was hired! Okay? It wasn't my intention-"

"You almost KILLED someone!" I say, and realize my self-control reached its limit. I launch towards the scared-to-death man, and with one single movement, break his neck. End his life.

The silence drowns my ears. I breathe deeply and savor another death on my hands, more blood to wash off.

With everything going on, I forgot my pain, until I looked down, and realize the bloody hole in my stomach.

He shot me.

But I didn't care. Tiredness abounds my body.

"Hey! You!" The words sounded like a muffle in my ears, and I fall to the ground, next to the man's body.

And without my permission, I was swallowed by the endless pit of despair of my mind, and the last thing I saw, were the two men running towards me.


Hey guys!

I hope you are enjoying this so far. I promise it gets a lot better. Be patient, we will be meeting BTS soon.

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Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Something Serious.

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