Chapter 35: Singularity (Part 2)

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"M-mr. Lee?"The weight of his body suddenly hits me. I stand there, with both my arms holding his body, unblinking. 

"Don't trust anyone. Don't believe them. Live your life freely..." He whispers for only me to hear, while blood comes out of his mouth and into my shoulder.

He turned to look at V briefly, and then his eyes meet mine. I know what he means by that small gesture.

"I am sorry." He said, and I can't stop shaking my head. His eyes closed, vanished, suddenly the weight of his body feels lighter as if something went away.


"No..." I leave him slowly on the ground, trying to get the tears to stop falling and falling and falling. He was the one who got me into this, and apparently, was a part of that. He saved me from a possible life in jail for killing someone. He taught me how to shot a gun, how to treat fans when they get too close to the boys, how to treat the boys when need help. 

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have met him.

If the blood boiling in my veins wasn't enough for the bloodthirst to drive me completely, this did.

There are specific things I can see through the black blur of my mind's rage. The fog blinds me almost, almost completely. I can see the receptionist typing on the round device on her hands frantically. 

And by the look on her face, it's not working.

"Wait....Wait! Ae Ri! There is so much more you need to know! It's not good... for you to go all phsyco like this I-" Just as my feet, his aren't on the ground anymore. "-You can't even hear me, can you?" The fear on his face, it's priceless. It's art, the lack of color, the raised eyebrows. 

Yes, I can hear him, but I don't want to listen.

"DO SOMETHING FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" He screams to no one in particular, probably to Christ himself.

I let it all out.

However, it seems like I haven't analyzed my new abilities yet. It seems like I can only control the gravity on a person or object, so there isn't much I can do other than throw him down the mountain of the temple. 

But that would be far too easy, and too painless.

I bring him towards me, his arms unmoving and legs struggling to get away from me. But that won't happen.

I take my time, making sure he is watching my every moment, to put my hands around his neck. 

He is shaking his head, the sweat of his forehead dripping. My nails dig into the skin around his neck, blood immediately pouring from the holes.

"Ae Ri, don't do this!" I hear a voice behind me. So familiar, but I recognize nothing but the man who killed and tortured my friends.

"Death is too good for him." No, no, no.

Don't do this to me, V.

Suddenly my nails stop from going any deeper. I know he is right, though I want to...

...kill him so bad.

As if killing him, will bring Mr. Lee back. As if murdering him, will bring my sisters back.

As if ending him, will end my suffering.

"Mercy is something no one ever showed me. But I will give it to you, because if it weren't for you. I wouldn't have saved Jungkook that day." There wouldn't be anything to save him from.

Suddenly a sound approaches us, a siren. I touch the ground and lower Shi too.

I won't let him fall slowly though, he falls with a thud.

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