Chapter 6: Lies

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(To Suga, happy birthday...)

"Have you ever killed?"I said no. "Have you ever been on drugs?" I said no."Has someone made you do something against your will?" I said no.

All of them, are lies.

"Where are your parents?" I said I don't know. Half truth. "How old are you?" I don't know. I wanted to say, but instead, I said 18, because it is what I think I am.

"Which is your blood type?" I don't have a blood type, after what they did to me, I remember them saying.

~.~ (flashback) ~.~

"What's wrong? Has she survived the 13th dosis?" Raspy voice, nervous, excited.

"Yes but... something happened..." The women in the white coat and glasses said, staring with wide eyes at my results of the 13th time I have been injected.

"Her blood is gone. All that is left are the strongest antibodies I have ever seen."

"What does that means?" The male doctor standing in front of her, looking sideways at where my half unconscious body laid said.

"That means... She can't get hurt"


I was not sure what they meant, at that moment. But now that I have been shot and healed almost immediately, I think I have a pretty good idea of what she can't get hurt means. But what its true, is that I don't find that a blessing, from all the 'abilities' or 'improvements' they gave me, that one, I hate the most.

"Have you ever worked before?" Again I wanted to say no, but if I had said so, they would have asked me about where did I get money, or how did I survive, so I invented a story for myself:

"When I was 15 I ran away from home. Got a job at a local supermarket, and been working there for three years. I study at a public school with the money I earn and live with one of my co-workers... any more questions?"

This time, she said no.

After that came the physical tests which I all passed. I had to be very careful not to show my complete strength and capabilities because definitely, they would find something off. But on that part, everything went okay. With my lack of strength shown, I was told to go every day, when BTS had dance practice, to train with them ( Mr.Lee and Gorilla) who I just found out where black karate belt and apparently two of the best martial arts trainers of all South Korea.

They gave me a quick tour around the office, just where BTS would spend their time. They show me emergency exits as long as other entrances and hideouts I must always watch out. I was also told that I will be staying at the BTS's official house, where all the members (and us, bodyguards) stay, so we can have them near and in control.

Once we were finished with all, and been admitted as an employee, and a bodyguard, Mr. Lee gave me my first task.

"Remember the guy at the elevator? He is a bit... complicated. We, bodyguards, have the most trouble with him. Most of the time we don't even know where he is, or what he is doing. That of course, is not what Manager Sejin wants from us. Your first task is: Find Suga, and bring him home."

And just like that, I was thrown out into the streets of Seoul. With one mission... that I didn't want to accomplish.


Hey guys!

I have chopped this chapter in half because it is very long 😅

But don't worry. I know the story might seem a bit slow, but this is important to introduce the characters and the story. The actual plot has yet to start.

PS: Since today its Suga's B-day, I am going to upload 2 chapters! :o :o :o

Thanks for reading! Keep scrolling ;)
Have a nice day,
Something Serious

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