Chapter Eight

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Katie pulled up to Annie's house. She parked her car and stopped at the gate when she got out. She couldn't believe that in just a few months she'd be living here. She crossed up to the door and rang the bell. She laughed when she was greeted by Annie's belly. She taunted Annie by whispering to it.

"You're driving me nuts with that!" Annie exclaimed in laughter. "Tell me what you're telling them, already!"

"Tell me the gender and I will!"


"Well then, we are at yet again another standoff," Katie said, entering after Annie made room. "So, what did you need me to come over for?"

"I thought you might want to see that," Annie said gesturing at the box on her table.

"Oh my God. Is that?"

"Your prom dress. Yep!"

Katie squealed and rushed over to it. She reached into Katie's drawer and pulled out a knife and opened the box. When it was opened she gasped as she picked it up. Her heart pounded hard against her chest. She raised it out and held it against her body. It was a slimming dress, blue and covered in glitter.

"Oh Katie," Annie said in admiration. "It's gorgeous."

"You think Evan will like it?" Katie asked, twirling with the dress against her.

"As long as your inside of it. I know Evan will like it."

"Annie." Katie lowered her voice, and put the dress on the counter. "The dress isn't too sexy, right?"

"No, it's beautiful. I mean it is a sexy dress, but this is prom. Why do you ask?"

"It's just." Katie shifted and sighed. "A couple weeks ago these guys harassed me in the hallway."

"What do you mean harassed you?"

"Well there's this guy and I saw him getting bullied so I offered to walk him to class. I thought maybe they wouldn't bother us both, but the next day they did. The guy grabbed my arm and made some comments about 'taking me to the bleachers' and his friend rubbed" She froze and took a deep breath. "I just felt like maybe it was because I was wearing a skirt and."

"No. Oh Katie, no." Annie embraced her. It was an awkward embraced due to her bulging stomach, but Katie felt better already. "No one can treat you like that. You're allowed to wear whatever you want to wear. Them objectifying and harassing you like that is unacceptable. Want me to call the school?"

"No. No, it hasn't happened again. I just. I've been worried that I'm doing something because I think this guy I've been walking to class may have a thing for me."

"Well I'm sure," Annie said with a small laugh. "A pretty girl like you came to his rescue after he was being bullied."

"He came to mine that day," She said. "He got me out of there. I just have noticed him staring at me and well, I love Evan."

"You're a pretty girl, Katie. People are going to like you your entire life. Just because you're with Evan won't stop them from developing feelings for you."

"I haven't told Evan any of this and I feel like now it's too late too. I just. I don't want to worry him."

"You don't have to tell Evan everything," Annie said rubbing Katie's shoulder. "Just what you want to tell him."

"Okay," Katie breathed. "I just have been holding that in and I guess it was bothering me more than I realized."

"Well it's upsetting. I understand why it would bother you."

Katie's eyes trailed back to the dress. She smiled. "You really think he'll like it?"

"Absolutely," Annie said smiling.

"We're getting close to the due date, huh?" Katie said a large smile on her face.

"Yes, we are!" Annie exclaimed.

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