01 | Ungraceful Swan

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OUR LIFE IS MADE up of time

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OUR LIFE IS MADE up of time. Our days are measured by the hours and our pay is measured by those hours. Our knowledge is measured by years. We grab a few quick minutes of our occupied day to have a brief coffee break. We rush back to our desks, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet, your time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could.

In other words, if you could change anything, would you?

"I think the only thing I'd change is how long these names are," taunted Rory Swan. "Isabella Marie Swan is fine, I guess, but Edward Anthony Masen Cullen? Jesus, are we talking about Edward or are we spelling out the YMCA?"

A simple, yet elegant wedding invitation was clad in her pallid hands. She glanced back at her little sister, who was very obviously struggling with the high heels Alice was forcing her to wear for the wedding. Rory's eyebrows shot upward. "Oh, God."

Alice Cullen was still optimistic, even if Bella was moving like a newborn deer. With her hands bound together, Alice encouraged, "You just... You just have to break them in!"

Bella peered up at Alice. "I've been breaking them in," she revealed, "for three days." Rory and Alice's eyes met, unconfident about the Swan's ability to move in those shoes. "Can't I just go barefoot? Or maybe Rory could, I dunno, manipulate my feet into working properly?"

Rory's eyes lit up with an idea. "Or I could totally manipulate you into flying Peter Pan-style—"

Alice was quick to reject that idea. "No! Absolutely not!"

Bella sighed while leaning against her big sister for support. "I'm just thinking it's a little too much, you know? The dress, the shoes..." She gestured to the Cullens' backyard, which had turned into a construction site for her and Edward's wedding. "...all of this, really."

Rory smiled and waved at Carlisle and Jasper as they walked across the wedding venue. In their hands were carved, wooden benches. Alice looked back at the wedding venue, then back at Bella, the human's sneakers in hand. "What do you mean? It's exactly enough!" Alice disagreed cheerfully. "Tomorrow will be perfect."

"Where do you want 'em, boss?" Emmett's voice boomed. He held up a dismantled tree in his arms.

Alice gestured to the venue. "On either side of the aisle!"

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