03 | Baby Fever

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a/n. not to be dramatic but they're so cute

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"HOW LONG DO YOU think forever is?"

"Rory, just because I've been immortal longer than you doesn't mean I actually know how long forever is."

Rory shot her boyfriend a glance, her feet in his lap as she flicked through the channels on the television. "Someone's gotten sassier over the past couple of months," she teased. "I think you're just bitter because I refuse to tell you what I saw yesterday."

"But babe—"

"I can't tell you!" she insisted. "What if it creates a tear in the universe or something? I've seen Marvel movies, you know. It could happen... hypothetically." She paused upon seeing her boyfriend's puzzled face. "I forget you've never seen a single Marvel movie. Or any movie for that matter." She paused. "What the hell do you do all day?"

"Spend time with my incredible girlfriend," Jasper answered with a shrug.

"Ohh, right," Rory stated, giving up on finding something interesting to watch, "she sounds pretty cool if you asked me."

"That's because she's dating someone pretty cool."

Rory narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend, a smile creeping onto her face. "I am influencing you in all the wrong ways," she commented. "By the way, no one's cooler than me, baby."

"Whatever you say," Jasper dismissed. To that, Rory responded by throwing a couch pillow toward his face. "You know you love me."

"Unfortunately," she joked, pulling her cellphone out of her pocket as it proceeded to ring. Without glancing at the caller I.D, Rory pressed the green answer button and spoke, "Hello?"


"Bella? Bella, what's up? You haven't been this freaked out since you walked in on Renée and Phil—wait, you're what?"

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Bella and Edward Cullen were on the next flight back to Forks, Washington from their honeymoon spot in Brazil. The entire Cullen household was eerily silent, each individual wondering what was in store for the vampires of Forks now. After all, how often was it that a vampire got a human pregnant?

Two weeks had passed since they returned and since then, Bella looked more like skin and bones, more dead, than the vampires around her at all times. That seemed to tell them all they needed to know about the baby growing inside of Bella.

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