Chapter 17: Kiss and Tell

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I had almost forgot how his lips felt against mine. I kind of missed the feeling. This is definitely not what I thought would happen when we would go back to being friends again, but this only just confirmed the feelings I was trying to fight. I kissed him back and enjoyed it before I knew I had to break it. Even though this moment was perfect, I couldn't stand here not knowing why he kissed me in the first place.

"What the hell was that?" I asked with my eyes still closed, breaking the kiss. I could feel him breathing, that's how close he was.

"I don't know, I just needed to do that" he voiced while he tried to catch his breath.

"When we were in your car that night, you promised me... you promised that you wouldn't do this, you said you would be my friend, friends don't kiss each other Logan" I swallowed my emotions. My mom hinted at him that one night that I liked him, but I didn't know if he chose to believe it or not.

"I know, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I just needed to do that, and nothing was stopping me or telling me to stop. That night when I went to your house and I was talking to your mom... what she said... about you...and you know... is it true?" He questioned gazing into my eyes trying to find his answer.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I gave him a quick, yet simple, response as I got out from underneath him and started to walk away trying to avoid the question. I didn't get very far before he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"Jones I've only know you for a few weeks now, but I know you well enough to know when you're avoiding something or lying, and you're doing both right now, so just do us both a favour and tell me to speed up the process" he smirked as he crossed his arms, finishing his short speech.

I walked closer to him and held both of his hands in mine, "Promise me that what I'm about to say won't change anything, it'll be just like it used to."

"You're scaring me Jones" he faked a frightened look on his face.

"Promise?" I said again making sure he understood. He nodded his head in agreement as I got ready to spill my guts out in front of him. "That day when we... I can't even remember now what we were fighting about... oh right, you and that girl against the lockers. Anyways, when Frankie drove me home that day, I cried as soon as I got home and I told my mom what happened. She told me that I... like you... and of course I knew that already, you're my friend, but she meant that I liked you, like I had feelings for you, and at first I didn't think it was possible because I promised myself I wouldn't do that for another 2 years. Then you called me that night and I barely talked to you, but it was then I knew my mom was right, she always is unfortunately. But then I started thinking about Nate and I realized I was never in love with him, I was in love with the idea of him, and then I started to think about you and how I feel. Nate never made me feel the way you do. He never had the affect on me that you do. I don't know what to do with these feelings cause I really don't want to get hurt and I want to stay friends, but I would totally understand if you don't because of this, but to answer your question, yes... I like you...a lot."

"I know" he smiled down at me. Was he joking right now? This was like when you text someone a long paragraph and they respond with a one worded answer, but his answer left me confused.

"What?! Why'd you ask then and make me say all that bullshit?" I snapped back at him.

"Well first, it's not bullshit if it's true, which it is, therefore it's not bullshit. Second, I know because no matter how much you pretend that you don't have feelings, you do. A lot of people may not be able to see them, but I do. You get jealous, I see emotion in your eyes, and even though you don't believe it, you're a hopeless romantic Jones. The way you act, the way you talk, the way your smile reaches your eyes when you see me. I just know. Plus Frankie might have let it slip when he threatened me because he thought I'd hurt you."

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