Chapter 19: Euphoria

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I'm standing in the bathroom with my hands on the vanity counter leaning against it. My eyes meet my own in the mirror as I let out a deep exhale trying to calm myself down. Logan was across the hallway getting ready to sleep in the room next to mine tonight.

After my mom and dad told Logan he was staying here tonight, we all headed upstairs for bed. I went straight into the bathroom while Logan helped my parents get extra sheets for the bed he would be sleeping in tonight. A few minutes later, I heard my parents going back to their room while logan stayed in his, meanwhile, I'm just sitting in here panicking, but I knew it was inevitable that I would have to come out of the bathroom at some point. Feels like we're running a bed and breakfast.

I pushed myself off the counter and swung the bathroom door open to go to my room. As soon as I yanked open the door towards me, I ran into a firm figure.

"Oh, shit. Sorry Jones, I didn't know you were in here," Logan apologized as he looked down at me.

"It's okay, I'm done, bathroom is all yours," I told him as I headed to my bedroom and he made his way into the bathroom.

I said goodnight to my parents and dug my way under the covers. As I lay down, I hear Logan flick the lights off in the bathroom and walk to his room. My eyes just stared at the ceiling as my subconscious told me to stay awake. I thought Logan, being Logan, would've said goodnight or at least would've said something before going into his room, but I'm used to the opposite sex not meeting my expectations. My eyelids started to feel heavier and heavier until I couldn't keep them open and inevitably fell asleep.


"You awake?" a shirtless Logan whispered as he hovered over me from the side of my bed.

"Well....I am now. What time is it? What do you need?" I mumbled.

"It's like 1:30 in the morning, but I'm sleeping in here, just wanted to let you know that" he whispered as he climbed over top of me to get on the other of the bed.

"Awww, why? Did you have a nightmare? Monster under the bed? Or in the closet?" I turned on my side to face him with my eyes still closed as I smiled at my joke.

"No, smart ass" he retorted as I heard him get under the covers. I felt his foot touch mine which made my eyes open. He was on his left side facing me, mimicking my position.

"Then why did you come in here?" I whispered swallowing my emotions down, knowing the answer was not going to be a simple one.

"Cause I just laid in bed for an hour and twenty three minutes thinking about you, and how I wanted to be with you... in here, and that this isn't the first time I thought that. I know that I shouldn't be doing this right now, I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to get any sleep unless I did what I wanted to do, Jones," he whispered looking straight into my eyes without averting his stare. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, then let it out while opening my eyes and gazing into his eyes again. The moonlight peaking in the room from the window lit up his iridescent brown eyes.

I shuffled over until our bodies were in contact with each other. I propped myself up with my left arm and my right hand cupped the side of his face as I leaned in. My lips touched his forming a slow kiss. As my lips parted, I bit my bottom lip and opened my eyes to see his still closed. As soon as he opened them, I smiled and laid my head on his chest while his right arm wrapped around my shoulders. My right hand held his left as our fingers intertwined on his bare abdomen.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" I could feel his racing heartbeat in his chest.

"You came in here because you wanted to, so I kissed you because I wanted to."

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