-contestants information-

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To all interested in being contestants:

-Follow this account and Nyghtfyre_Stars. If you would like to, you can follow the Heartstring Team or even your judges! Give them support if they support you back, right? Of course, if you're feeling extremely generous, you can go give acagedbirdAmel_under_starlight, or LunarWiseGirl's (basically the admin team) a peek.

-You can enter at most 3 books, but they must all be in separate genres.

-Do NOT be rude to the judges, the Heartstring Team, or any of the contestants. If you do, you will be kicked out.

-books that cannot be found will automatically be disqualified, unless the author contacts us.

-We have the right to take your entry out of the competition at any time (but this will most likely only happen in very special circumstances).

-We will accept ongoing and completed books, but make sure you have at least 5 chapters (excluding author notes, introductions, etc. We won't be checking when we accept you, but during judging if you fail to have 5 eligible chapters you will not be able to win. Epilogues/prologues are ok). If you don't have 5 chapters but are planning to publish up to your 5th chapter (or more) soon, pm us so that we can talk about it. Short story is an exception, and poetry just has to have at least 2 poems. The password for the contestants' form is raspberry.

-Add this book to your library or a reading list. This way, you can be notified of updates. (optional)

-Add the tag #theheartstringawards2018 to your book! (this is optional)

-Fill out the contestants form in the 'contestants form' chapter!

-You may not try to bribe, threaten, or blackmail the judges. This will result in you being kicked out.

P.S. Tell us through pm if you change your book title or your username. Please include what genre your book is in.

That's it! Thank you, and a good luck in advance.

The Heartstring Awards 2018 (OPEN) [in need of judges]Where stories live. Discover now