Part 1 | Words;778 [Edited]

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(I do not own Doki Doki Literature Club) (A/N + Note after editing at the end)

[This chapter edited as of December 29th, 2021]

Fav Soda = (F/S) | Fav Snack = (F/Sn)


(Y/N)'s eyes flicker across her pc monitor as she scrolls through games on Steam absentmindedly, eager to play a new game since finishing the last one two days ago. They loosely run their fingers across the soft leather of one of their chair's armrests while their other hand is preoccupied with continuously scrolling with the mouse.

(Y/N) was about to exit out of the tab when a new free game caught her eye,

"Doki Doki Literature Club."

She read the game title out loud. They decided to pursue the game further by clicking on it, (Y/N)'s interests was officially peaked.

She skimmed over the description of the game and the tags but seemingly missed the Psychological Horror tag without taking notice of the oversight.

It was rare for (Y/N) to play a visual novel because dating games or ones defined as cute never caught her attention in general. Though regardless, the game intrigued (Y/N).

She clicked on the download button and waited impatiently for the game to finish installing, tapping her finger on the desk repeatedly. While waiting (Y/N) decided to go to the kitchen for snacks. They settled on a few bottles of (F/D) and a bowl of (F/Sn) because she knew herself too well, (Y/N) won't be getting up for a while once she started playing.

Gathering everything desired, (Y/N) went back to her room where the computer setup resides. They placed everything in a cleared section of her desk, then seated herself in the comfy office chair and plugged her headphones into the pc nearby.

(Y/N) then finally took notice of the brightly colored pink and white starting screen with four girls in typical high school uniforms,

Well, that was quick (Y/N) thought to herself as she watched the loading screen pop up.

(Y/N) adjusted the settings to her liking, then started up a new game.


After (Y/N) played the game for what felt like two hours, the childhood friend character Sayori confessed her love to the protagonist. Sayori had strong feelings towards the protagonist, to the point (Y/N) felt sorry that she had to friend-zone Sayori.

The next day MC attempted to contact Sayori with no success, so they took it upon themselves to visit Sayori's residence to check up on her. Entering the home, MC met with an unsettling emptiness.

 "This can't be any good." (Y/N) mumbled under her breath.

When the screen transitioned into entering Sayori's room, MC found Sayori, but in a way they least expected.

Sayori was hanging with a rope noose wrapped around her neck with dull ocean eyes, deprived of any life- Sayori was dead.

"What the fuck?!", (Y/N) gasped out, wide-eyed at the scene on the monitor in front of her.

Eerie music replaced the light-hearted tune that once played through (Y/N)'s headphones. The screen proceeded to zoom into Sayori's lifeless face. It made (Y/N) feel sick.

She tabbed out of the game for a moment to digest what had just happened. Out of curiosity (Y/N) loaded up the game files to see if there was anything of interest in them. To see if anything out of the ordinary had occurred within them. In the character files, there is supposed to be a file for each character in the game, but the Sayori file was absent.

Clicking into another folder there was an unlabeled script, the unidentified person spoke as if they broke something and that deleting Sayori from the game would have been easier since she was causing trouble for this unknown person.

After a few bits of dialogue from the game, it suddenly returned to the starting screen. In the place where Sayori's character sprite used to be now was a glitched-out Monika. (Y/N) could not help but stare at the screen with shocked wide eyes for a few moments before recollecting herself. Theories ran through their head like a raging storm, a complete and utter mess. Though amongst the mess in her head one of those theories stuck with (Y/N). The theory she kept coming back to is this situation could have been caused by the Monika character. The reason for this thought is because of the character's continuous suspicious behavior, that suspicious behavior being occasionally from time and time again she would break the 4th wall in-game.

(Y/N) took a deep breath, stretching out and relaxing her sore muscles from sitting all day, & decided to load up her existing file against her better judgment and resume playing...




---To Be Continued---

[A/N; This is suppose to be one-shot, but since it's taking me a long time to write it I am going to separate it into parts. I would say the most parts it will take is 5 but I still don't know yet. Also sorry if there is any grammar mistakes and most likely slow updates for this. ~Solo ]

(After Editing Note; I will be editing these chapters slowly, I hope to be finished with the edits at the latest being the end of 2022. Editing this fic was long over due, but I appericate those who contiune to read these chapters to this day. I will try my best to correct mistakes and adjust certain areas of the chapters that I feel aren't right. Thank you for your patience. - Solo)

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