Part 3.5 | Words;656

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[A/N at the end]

| (H/L) = Hair Length | (S/T) = Skin Tone |


Part 3.5 - 3rd POV

(Y/N) pushed out from the desk and pressed her back close to the wall to get as much distance from Monika as (Y/N) possibly could, "This isn't r-real this is all a dream and I will w-wake up soon, r-right?" She babbled on and at the end, then ended up questioning herself as she tugged roughly at her (H/L) (H/C) hair, "You may keep telling yourself that, but I assure you this is very real so stop trying to hurt yourself." Monika remarked sternly while she got up from her chair and walked over to where (Y/N) stood. "D-don't come a-any closer p-please..." (Y/N) pleaded out in a soft and quiet tone as she looked up at Monika with dismay and bitterness which showed in her (E/C) eyes.

Monika took another step closer to (Y/N) causing her to try urging herself farther into the solid beige painted walls. "What are you going to do about it, huh?" teased Monika with a smirk, (Y/N) stood frozen but shaking slightly from panic and anticipation. Monika was close enough now to the point (Y/N) could smell her cupcake smelling breath breeze lightly on her face. Monika's smooth hands cupped (Y/N)'s (S/T) face and her thumb made small circles on (Y/N)'s red flushed skin as she began to speak again, "I've been watching you through your computer screen for some time now, even before you downloaded Doki Doki Literature Club."

Monika paused and looked into (Y/N)'s eyes then continued on," I've been wanting to do something for a while now..." Monika revealed and trailed off as she caresses (Y/N)'s soft, plump bottom lip. (Y/N) caught the others stare as Monika began to lean in slowly, her eyes darting from (Y/N)'s soft irises to her rosy lips. (Y/N)'s mind was screaming at her to move, to respond and to push Monika away from her but she didn't; she just couldn't.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion which caused the tension to grow even thicker than it already was, the soft ticking of the wall clock didn't show any signs of helping it either. Finally, Monika's rich nude lips came in contact with (Y/N)'s; (Y/N)'s senses were invaded with the sugary taste of cupcake as she kissed back in the heat of the moment because she was too flustered to know what to do. The excitement of the kiss only lasted a few more moments before Monika eventually, unwillingly pulled away knowing (Y/N) needed to breathe.

(Y/N)'s face was scarlet red as she breathed heavily through her now kiss-bruised lips. After a couple of seconds of catching her breath and registering what just happened, anger filled every inch of her being. (Y/N) looked up at Monika raised her hand from her side and retracted her hand back then slapped Monika firmly on the cheek causing a loud ringing the fill Monika's ears.

Monika stood shocked and dazed as (Y/N) ran hastily out of the classroom door...





--To Be Continued Soon--

[A/N: We are finally nearing close to the end of this fanfiction :) I plan to do several endings just because I feel like it would be fun to read all the different outcomes, and I thought it would be good just in case if someone isn't satisfied with one of them. I don't want to limit myself to just one and not be satisfied with it. Also, I wanted to say thank you for reading this book so far and for all the support I really do appreciate it all, I'm going to talk more about the endings in a separate a/n later on if you're interested. Anyway, have a good day or night bye!

~Emily ]

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