Ending Two | Words;1,042

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[A/N at the end]

| (H/L) = Hair Length | (S/T) = Skin Tone |


Ending Two | Virus - 3rd POV

(Y/N) let out a shaky breath as she pressed her body harshly against the back of Sakura petal scent closet, the cold metal of the closet floor chilled the balls and flats of the girl's feet as an inaudible shiver racked (Y/N)'s body. The clicking of heeled school shoes echoed throughout the hallway and classrooms as Monika searched for the (S/T) (H/C) haired girl while humming a tune (Y/N) could not place. "Come out, come out from wherever you are my dear!~" Monika sang with venom lacing her sugar sweet sounding voice.

(Y/N) did her best to calm her breathing as Monika's steps made their way in and out of the room, in hopes of lessening the chances of Monika finding the other. After waiting for the noises of the steps to be finally gone down another corridor, (Y/N) pushed the cold inner closet door handle quietly as possible to be cautious. Once out of the closet (Y/N) quickly thought up a plan and left the room, making her way down the hall with faint footsteps while scanning for a specific door and sign.

(Y/N) doubted she would be able to make it the exit without being caught by Monika in someway, so she decided to look for a program room that housed Monika's files. (Y/N) would go to the control room where it showed the code of the additional three school girls being deleted but unfortunately this doesn't look like that Monika could be erased that easily by an input of cryptogram.

(Y/N) felt a chill run up her legs as her feet paddled against the mid-toned cold wooden floor as she made her way down another hallway, (Y/N) scanned around looking for any room that could be a programming room. Walking silently down another corridor (Y/N) began to hear the sound of shoes clicking against the floor, the other quickly scanned the hall to unfortunately find there were no rooms that she would be able to get into.

With swift thinking, the (H/C) headed girl hid behind an odd tall full white-wooded bookshelf that conveniently had been a few steps away from her. (Y/N) held her breath and pushed herself slight against the back of the bookcase to try to conceal herself from being exposed to Monika at the moment she walked down the hallway.

Once (Y/N) conducted that the coast was clear of a certain brunette for her to be able to leave her hiding spot she moved out it, after walking a couple of feet the (E/C) eyed girl came in contact with a pair of emerald green eyes. Monika had a sickeningly sweet smile glued to her lips and her eyes sent a message that she was piqued by the circumstance at hand.

The sudden contacted had made (Y/N) do a double-take as she stumbled backward on her feet in a hurry to get away from the madwoman in front of her, "You know I thought you were smarter than to hide in a hallway, guess I was wrong." Monika spoke plainly as she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly while taking a step towards the other. "Shut up you psycho, you know nothing about me." retaliated (Y/N) while she took a step back from Monika, ready to take off sprinting when needed.

Monika let out a low chuckle and took another step closer to the (S/C) skinned girl, "Oh sweetheart I know much more than you may think I do, that includes your browser history as well." The greened eyed girl commented back in a crude manner making (Y/N) cringe out in disgusted.

(Y/N) took another step back from Monika before turning around fully and running down the corridor to gain distance away from the other as soon as possible, but sadly for (Y/N); Monika had followed behind her at a similar pace. (Y/N) looked rapidly back and forth between the walls that were lined with several doors with nameplates attached to them, trying to locate that one particular door that had a sign stating it was a program room.

After a few more turns and more scanning (Y/N) subsequently found the room she had been looking for, for what seemed like ages to her. (Y/N) hastily opened the door as Monika was only a few feet behind her, once inside as quickly as (Y/N) opened it; she closed it with a slam and locked the door.

(Y/N) hurried over to the single monitor that was accompanied by a keyboard and computer, all while Monika banged and fidgeted with the doorknob and lock. Knowing how Monika is (Y/N) knew she didn't have too long to erase her from the system, so the (H/C) haired girl got to work pronto.

Monika broke open the door right as (Y/N) was about to click down on the last button, "Please don't do this, please don't erase me." Monika begged.

"You are nothing but a virus to me, and to this world." (Y/N) spoke with bitterness then pressed her pointer finger down on the button, immediately after the button was pressed Monika's being vaporized into code than into nothingness...





--Ending Two--

[A/N: Hi! how are ya? it's been a minute since I've last updated which was late June and now it's late July oof. Let me just start off by saying thank you very much for 1.8K readers and for all the support that you all have given me, it really does mean a lot and makes my day. The second thing I wanted to say is that I've decided that I'm only doing one more ending {which is ending three} because I don't want this book to turn into a chore for me, overall they are just extra content that I have no motivation to do anymore. Third of all; since this book has basically ended I would love for any of you who have any suggestions for a future fanfic or one-shot that you would like to see to either comment it or dm me it, that would be super helpful and great! Anyway, have a great day or night, bye!

~Emily ]

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