Chapter 10 : Forgiveness

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"Good morning campers! Today is another wonderful day! Please make your way to the mess hall. Thank you!"

David, yet again, woke everyone up bright and early.  Y/N complains to themselves as they know no one needs to wake up this early for any day in summer.

 Y/N looks around the tent. They totally forgot that they were in the correct tent. Actually, they forgot they were even at camp. 

They thought David was their mom for a moment and they were going to yell back something between the lines of "Shut up" and "Five more minutes."

Y/N didn't say it but someone else said exactly what they wanted to.

"Shut up. Do you know how early it is? I thought you loved me David. I'm your son so give me five more fucking minutes.

It was Max. He was definitely wide and awake now because of David.

Max goes over to his coffee machine and picks up a mug.

Y/N looked over at him as they had nothing better to do.

"Stop staring. You're freaking me out. Or are you looking at my coffee."

"Of course your coffee. Who would want to look at you."

"Ha ha, very funny, you little shit. Did you want coffee or something?"

"Yes, that's why I'm looking at it. It's too early for this shit."

"Of course it's too early. Who the hell would want to voluntarily get up at 7 unless they were like David."

"You have a point anyways, coffee?"



No and I thought you were still mad at me."

"Oh that. Honestly, I'm blaming you for that whole disaster."

"Huh, why?  It's not like I asked Nikki to have feelings for me."

"It's because you're too attractive that she went all yandare there."

"So you think I'm attractive?"

"If we rated your attractiveness based just on your looks then you're a 6 but once you open your mouth it's a 2."

"I don't know if I'm offended or in agreement. Anyways, it's stupid to blame it on me."

"But just as Nikki was a jerk to me, you were probably also treating Nikki like shit. But I thank you now, as without you being an asshole.  Nikki and I can finally agree on something."

"That I'm a piece of shit?"

"Exactly that."

"Even if you're in agreement now, I'd rather not get on either of yours bad side. I know I am right now but I'd like to change that."

"Oh? Have a change of heart?"

"It's not fun without the two of you, and Niel and I ran out of things to talk about." 

"So what were you planning?"

"What about the two of you can have your revenge?"

"I'm listening."

"You can do whatever you want to me for a day and I'll do it."

"I'll talk to Nikki about that. So how about that coffee."

Max looks at Y/N intensely, he goes over to the coffee machine to get another coffee.

"Damn you."

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