Chapter 25

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I extend my hand out awkwardly to shake Jason's. He's staring at me as if he's seen a ghost.

"Long time no see Jason" I say to him and he looks surprised, I'm guessing he wanted to keep it a secret, us already knowing each other.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Dani asks in surprise.

"Yeah, we went to high school together, same year" Jason answers.

Just high school? Ha!

"Yep, high school" I say with a fake smile.

"Aw that's great, you guys went to school together. Were you guys friends?" Dani asks me.

"No..not really, we had a few classes together but that was it. Just a familiar face, that's all" I said.

Oh god why am I such a crappy liar?

"Um if you'd excuse me, I have to get ready. I'm hitting the mall with a friend" I say, making my way to my closet.

"Well ok, I'll see ya later" Dani says giving me a hug.

"Okay, have fun you two" I called out as they left the room. Soon as the door shut I exhaled loudly.

I wasn't bloody expecting that. Jason of all people! Hope he doesn't complain about Dani's choice of music as well.

I take off my check shirt and throw it in the laundry basket. I grab a hoodie and put it on, still wearing my same jeans. This should do. It's just me and Todd anyway.

I leave the room and as I walk downstairs, I text Todd and tell him I'm already by my car. He asks me to pick him up from Block D, on the other side of school.

Soon as Todd got in the car, he quickly noticed that it was only me.

"Hey so where's your roommate? Is she invisible?" Todd asks, looking at the backseat.

"Well she couldn't make it, she's hanging out with an old friend right now".

"Oh that's too bad, guess I'll meet her tomorrow at the party" Todd says.

"Yep. If she decides to show" I replied.


I had never been to any of the shops here. The mall was bigger than the one in my town, lots more shops too-- which means more places to buy new clothes from.

We enter the first store nearest to the entry and start browsing. Todd is in the guys section checking out some shirts, I'm headed to the dresses- trying to find something nice but not too fancy. I think of Ally and how she would always pull my hand into the clothes store and pick random stuff for me, it would always fit and look good, guess Ally does have really good taste. I miss her so much.  I have to see her soon.
And Marissa, I haven't heard from her since I left. She hasn't texted me or called - I wonder how she's doing at Stafford, maybe I'll call her later.

Todd comes up to me with two shirts in his hands.

"Okay Kaia, if you had to choose one from these two, which would it be?" He asks me.

On the left he's holding up a navy blue shirt with white flower patterns. It looks really cool.

 It looks really cool

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