Chapter 32

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Dani's P.O.V: 
Elena. She knew all along why Ash did what he did and yet she never said a word to anyone- that b***h! 

"When did you tell Elena?" I ask Ash curiously.

"The following day, after the incident" he answered.

"I gotta go, I'll text you later on if Kaia decides she's ready to talk to you. You have to fix this man, I can't go another week seeing her act like she doesn't care about you".

"I still think it's better if she stayed away from me, for her own good. But I agree, we need some closure" Ash says, hanging his head down. 

 "See ya mate" I say to him as I walk away back to the room.

"Later darling!" He replied.


I'm still furious at Elena for keeping this a secret. Just wait till I see her. Oh wait, let me text her now.

My room, now!! U hav some explaining to do!!!

There, that should do it. 

Soon as I reach the room my phone vibrates. Hm, looks like she decided to text back.

damn lightskin! im on my way :p

I unlock the door and head inside the room. Kaia's still asleep on her bed. Oh thank goodness. I don't want her to be awake when Elena gets here.

After about 10 minutes I hear a motorcycle pull up outside our room. Then few seconds later there was a knock at the door.
I walk over and open it, knowing it's Elena. She walks right in and sits down on my bed. The audacity!

She was dressed in jeans that were covered in grease and wearing a blue check shirt with a white tank top inside. She removed her check shirt and turned to face me.

"What's up? I was at work, can't this wait?" Elena asks me.

"No. How close are you and Ashton?" I ask her seriously.

She takes a second to think of what she's going to say then speaks.

"We've been friends for years now. I can say we're pretty close" she says.

"Okay. Are you close enough to keep a secret from your friends?"

Elena looks at me with furrowed brows. Probably pretending she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"What are you--"

"You know exactly what I'm on about, Elena. You kept a big secret from us for weeks now. You've seen how damaged Kaia is and you chose to keep it to yourself, making her think that Ash did what he did willingly".

Elena stands up from the bed and walks towards the door.

"I'm sorry Dani, I really am" she says.

"If you were really sorry you would have told us all the truth!" I half-shout.

"It's not my truth to tell!" Elena shouts. Her brown eyes were wild. Looks like I hit a nerve.

Elena opens the door and slams it on her way out. Guess she's pissed off!

After I hear her motorcycle leave, I turned around and sat back down on my bed. Some friend she is.

"What's going on?" Kaia says, looking at me wide-eyed. Her cheeks were still pink from all the crying earlier.

"Nothing. Elena's just having a bad day, that's all" I responded.

Kaia sits up facing me.

"Dani, I've decided to visit home soon. Next week actually".

Life Of Kaia (Complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara