[1] Mr. Devil.

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"Jee Ammi?" Dunia raises her voice so her mom can hear her better, whilst trying to perfect her beige hijab.

"Dear, you need to stop forgetting your lunch all the time. I do not want you spending unnecessary amounts of money on food that I can easily make at home for you." Her mom places a kiss on Dunia's forehead.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Dunia grins.

"Am I?" Her mom tries to hold in a smile.

"I know you remember, you can't fool me!!!" Dunia insists as she pokes her mother.

"Okay, okay," Her mom puts up her hands up in defeat "Happy 20th Birthday! Your little sister is going to kill me if she finds out I gave in."

Dunia laughs and places a kiss on her mother's cheek, "I won't tell Eliza if you won't tell?"

Her mom rolls her eyes and smiles, "You're getting late for your interview! Insh'Allah (if God wills), you will get the job!"

"Ya Allah, you're right. If I don't leave now, I'm totally screwed! Tell Abbu to pray for me!" Dunia runs out the door to catch her bus on time.

Dunia Bukhari. Her life is seemingly very normal. She is from a Muslim household. Her father, Ahmad Bukhari, has a desk job at a marketing company. Her biological mother, Bilqis, passed away while she when she was about 10 years old.

Her father remarried, and lucky for her, her step-mother, Chadni, turned out to be the most loving and caring woman. She was nowhere near the villain-type step-mothers shown in the media all the time. Chadni raised Dunia and Dunia's sister, Eliza as if they were her own children.

• • •

Dunia checks her phone constantly, tapping her foot on the ground as she impatiently waits for her name to be called for the interview.

"Dunia Bukhari, you have been called in for your interview." The woman at the front desk announces.

Dunia quickly gets up from her seat. The woman politely smiles as she points Dunia towards the direction of the office, "Before you go, the CEO of Sheikh Industries, Mr. Adnaan Sheikh, has joined us for the interviews today. Try your best to impress him." She winks.

Dunia nods, "Thank you!"

• • •


"It's Abbu to you, young man." Mr. Sheikh says in a stern tone.

"I don't understand why you brought me here today? We have people who take care of these things for us." Barqat voices his annoyance.

Mr. Sheikh puts a hand on Barqat's shoulder, "Son, one day, I will need to retire and you will have to look over Sheikh Industries in my permanent absence. I need you to learn the process of everything in order to reduce your stress for the future."

They were interrupted by Mr. Sheikh's assistant, "Sir, the next interviewee, Ms. Dunia Bukhari, is here. Shall I send her in?"

Mr. Sheikh nods, "Send her in."

"Abbu, can I join you next time? I have some other things to take care of." Barkat pleads.

Mr. Sheikh sighs, "Fine. Go on. I won't let you off the hook next time."

• • •

Dunia begins to nervously fidget with her fingers as Mr. Sheikh looks over her resume and profile.

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