[23] Stay Awake, Stay Conscious.

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A/N: another update back-to-back just for you guys! ☺️♥️

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The bathtub is made out of white marble and a very rounded shape. It is placed right in the middle of the bathroom, looking over at the outside scenery. Dunia relaxes in the warm water, her travel aches in her body slowly withering away.

She closes her eyes and her mind travels back to visit her most recent memory:

"So what? He was a fucking bitch. He wasn't a bitch just to anyone, he was a bitch to a Sheikh, who is also my wife!"

She quickly jolts up, splashing water on the floor. "Jeez, Dunia, don't think about that. He probably said that because since I do have their last name now, it probably hurts their image or something... right?" She thinks out loud to herself.

Dunia leaves the bathtub and dresses up in leggings and a loose half sleeve shirt. Right then, the same woman who prepared her bath, knocks on her door.

"Please, come in!" Dunia says.

"Good morning, Ma'am. Would you like to go for a swim?"

"Yes! Please!" She says excitedly.

"I have left a you towels, a robe and flip-flops on the deck. Please, enjoy yourself." The woman says.

"Have you seen my husband anywhere?" Dunia asks her because she hasn't seen him all morning.

"I saw Mr. Sheikh on his laptop in the living room 15 minutes ago." She replies.

Dunia nods.

The woman shows Dunia the things on the deck and takes her leave. Dunia had completely forgot to tell the nice woman that she has zero knowledge on how to swim. However, she keeps telling herself its shallow and her hips would be above the water.

She takes three steps down the ladder that's attached to the deck and she's already in the water. The cool water beneath her skin is giving her tingles. The way the water is making her float is giving her a sense of comfort and appreciation for the world. It's such a soothing feeling and she wonders why she never gave swimming a try.

She realizes that she would have to shower again after this impulsive swim, or more like floating in the water session. Her body starts to relax and she closes her eyes.

About 10 minutes later, she hops out of the water and sits on the deck to relax. Her leggings and shirt are weighing her down because of how soaked they are but she feels so relaxed.

As she stands on the deck, she looses her foot gripping and slips into the water. "Ahhh!"

Suddenly, the calm she felt from being in the water is replaced by fear and anxiety. She tries to stay afloat but her ragged splashing movements is pulling her deeper in the water. Large amounts of water begins to enter her body, making her gasp for air.

"H-H-HELP! I'M DROWN—" she gasps again from not being able to stay afloat.

Her head begins to spin and her vision keeps flashing black as if she's losing consciousness. No, drowning on vacation isn't how I want to go. Please, help, Allah, help me! She doesn't have the energy to scream out loud.

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