Chapter 12 : Chills

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My eyelids felt heavy as I attempted to lift them open. Once the were cracked slightly, the light from the room was too bright and I groaned, inhaling sharply. My nose burned from the strong smell of disinfectant.

"She's awake," Someone whispered.

Soon I heard thudding around me and my eyes were finally able to open. I winced at the brightness as it caused myself even more discomfort. A glass of water was hastily shoved into my hands and I mumbled a, "Thank you," in response, no matter how raspy it sounded.

Once I had finished it I looked up to see Alice, Sebastian, and Kayden all towering over the hospital bed, examining me. Alice was the first to break the silence, "What happened Charlotte?" She asked.

I didn't want to answer her question. I could see blood underneath my fingernails, slightly cringing at the sight.

My arms were scratched up pretty badly and I wouldn't be surprised if my face looked the same. Kayden placed a light hand over my thigh in attempt to comfort me. I instantly stiffened at the touch and pushed myself even further back into the bed. A tiny tear fell out the corner of my eye, "Please don't," I said in a frail voice.

They all looked at me with confusion and sympathy, no one knew what was happening with me. All at once they began asking me what was wrong but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I felt suffocated, not wanting them so close. "You guys are too close," I muttered.

They didn't hear a word I said.

It was almost as if they were creeping closer and closer, all trying to help me at once. I did not like it one bit, not at all. Soon, I began to feel fed up and my suffocation turned to anger. "You are too close!" I yelled, finally getting their attention.

The three immediately realized my distressed, delivering apologies as I sat up, finally ready to leave. I needed time alone to sort out what was happening. It all felt too much, too fast.

Ileft the room as quickly as I could, making my way out of the unfamiliar building.

It was a simple route to the pack house from there. My mind was clouded with thoughts and emotions I couldn't handle by myself. I sprinted my way back up to my room. The floor was now cluttered and my one of the table legs of my desk were broken.

I slammed the door shut and ripped off the paper thin hospital gown. I felt grimy all over and went straight for my bathroom. I turned on the water and stepped in, not caring if it was heated or not.

By the time the water was warm I felt slightly more relaxed, my sore muscles slowly feeling better. Slowly, I began to sob to myself, angry with myself for letting those rogues have so much impact on my life.

I sat on the shower floor and cried until the water went cold. I focused on my skin. Looking closely, I could see the faded scars that littered my skin. Each one represented a different torture I faced during those years.

I was tainted.

Later on, a couple short knocks were heard on the bathroom door and I snapped out of my own thoughts. "Charlotte? You've been in there a long time." Alice called gently. I stood up slowly, my legs asleep and shut of the now cold water, shivering.

I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around myself, still feeling cold. Looking over in the mirror I realized how bad I actually looked. My eyes were sullen, bloodshot red. My nose and cheeks were also a rosy pink, but my lips a shade of blue. I must've been in there way too long.

"I'm coming," I said quietly, my throat throbbing from all the crying. I then put on the clothes as quickly as I could. As I exited the bathroom Alice made sure to give me the space I needed. All I wanted to do was lay down.

Once I was snuggled into the blankets, she sat on the very edge of my bed. "Something's up with you Char, what happened?" She said softly.

I shook my head already feeling an onset of tears, "I can't," I croaked, looking at her through glassy eyes. I've never felt so fragile. It took me months to move on, forgetting everything and becoming stronger. But all my hard work came crashing down the moment I had time to myself.


"Charlotte? Can we talk?" Kayden asked, slipping into my room.

I sniffled, wiping away the wetness from beneath my eyes, "There's nothing to talk about." His eyes softened as he took a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" He asked for permission, something I wasn't used to. He looked at me, holding his hand. Hesitantly, I put my hand in his as he sat a bit closer. He rubbed soothing circles on the skin of my hand, more tears pushing against the back of my eyes.

"I don't deserve you." I brokenly whispered. His head seemed to perk up, shocked by my words.

"How could you say that after all I put you through? You deserve so much better than me," He said, only making it harder to prevent myself from crying.

I blinked away my tears, "Then why did you hurt me, did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough?" I asked, his expression growing softer as I spoke.

"Oh Charlotte," He said, pulling me to his chest as he wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. "I am so sorry baby, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why did you do it?"

He sighed, "I acted out because I was afraid, Charlotte. I'm terrified of losing you after finally finding you. I let my anger and pride get the best of me," He said.

"And I was wrong okay? I was so wrong to do that to you and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I'm so sorry, Charlotte, and I don't expect you to forgive me."

I buried my head in his shoulder, the sparks flowing through us comforting me. "Come on, let's sleep." He coaxed, laying us down gently on the bed before covering us with my comforter.

I laid tucked between his arms, enjoying the warmth radiating all around me. Fatigue began to overcome me, my mind feeling more and more sluggish. "Please don't hurt me." I whispered just as I fell asleep.

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