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I'm pregnant.

Pregnant, me.

There's an actual baby in there.

Holy shit. My mind still could not process the fact that there is a little person growing inside my stomach right now. It's been days since Kayden and I have been discharged from the pack hospital. I requested the nurse not to tell a single soul, for I myself wasn't ready to tell anyone at that time.

As my mate showered I held my stomach with both hands, looking at it in amazement. So this little bugger is the reason I've been feeling sick lately. I thought, laughing at myself. I love my baby already and we don't even know if it's a boy or girl, although it's quite common to have a boy as your firstborn.

Am I going to be a good mother? Will Kayden be angry? I don't know if he even wants a child, let alone have one now. Anxiety seeped onto my mind as I thought of ways he could react to this baby. He never mentions having kids, what if he decides not to keep it? I'm not sure what to do anymore. Would I have to leave him to keep our child?

My eyes welled up with tears thinking of the endless possibilities. I'm stupid. He's stupid. We're both idiots for not paying attention to our use of protection.

The sound of the bathroom door opening had my hands rushing upwards to remove any trace of tears from my eyes. Kayden gazed at me suspiciously as he quickly towel dried his hair. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, taking long strides over to the bed.

There was nothing to stop this next onset of tears. At the sight of my watery eyes, he embraced me tightly, smoothing my hair down comfortingly. "Talk to me." He said softly.

"I don't want you to be angry." I hiccuped, my damp face pressed against his warm chest.

"I won't, Charlotte. I love you." He said gently, his arms wound firmly around my shoulders.

"Promise?" I asked.


I contemplated for a few moments of silence. A part of me was screaming at me to stop and say nothing. But something in my gut told me to trust his words and ease our worries. But maybe telling him would only increase our stress?

I shrugged his arms off of me, keeping us at a distance for now. He looked at the gap between us and hurt flashed across his face. I wiped away any remaining tears from my face, trying my hardest to compose myself.

"Kayden," I began slowly, his interest clearly peeking though the bond.

"I'm..." My lip trembled, and I struggled to get the words out as a sentence. "I'm pregnant." I said, my voice a low whisper. My eyes were glued to the floor, not wanting to see his reaction.

Next thing I knew I was being lightly tackled and abruptly pinned to the bed. "You're pregnant!" He exclaimed, shaking me gently. I opened my eyes and his face was full of excitement, not the anger I was expecting.

"Yes," I say, choked up, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, full of unshed emotion.

"A mini-us inside of there?" He asked, his mouth agape, pressing a warm hand against the skin of my stomach.

I nodded, allowing him to wipe away my tears as I smiled in relief. He then took my face between each of his hands and kissed me passionately, sparks flying to every nerve ending of my body.

My arms snaked around his torso as he pressed against me. His lips, so soft and inviting, caressed my own as I could feel his grin against my face. He pulled away, breathless, "I love you so, so much."

His almost bone crushing hug practically knocked the wind out of me. "You wouldn't believe how happy I am right now." He said. Swaying us back and forth on his bed.

"I think I have an idea," I wheezed, pushing against his chest with my hands.

His eyes were lit up with joy as they traveled to my stomach, peppering kisses all over it. "Hey! That tickles!" I squirmed, prying his face away from my stomach.

He propped himself back up and I melted into his embrace, letting my body relax against his. "I love you, Kayden."

"I will love you and our little baby, forever." He replied, kissing my forehead softly.


One more chapter left! Get ready for the epilogue, it should hopefully be ready within the next two weeks. Don't worry, it will be a longer than normal chapter that hopefully answers any remaining question you have left.

If you want, drop some here in the comments to let me know what/who you want to see in the Epilogue.

The Alpha King isn't going to be gone just yet! The sequel is up with over ten chapters posted. Check it out!

Thank you so much for 20k+ reads! I love you all so much for supporting me and my writing.

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