The End

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Let me die.
I don't want to be alive anymore.
There's no point.
Just make me stop breathing.
Why did you let me live?
Why didn't you just let my heart stop then and there?
I'm not serving any purpose, I'm not helping anyone or doing anything useful with my life. 
I'm a terrible friend
and an even worse daughter.
All I'm doing is causing a lot of frustration, stress, and annoyance to a lot of people.
I'm begging you... just make it stop.
Just make all of it stop.
And don't you dare say that there's "bigger plans in store" for me.
Sure, I'll believe that.
Because, apparently,
my life's just supposed to magically get better.
Because life's going to be better.
It got better for a week,
and then suddenly
everything crashed down on me.
So don't you dare tell me
that everything's going to get better,
that it'll be okay,
because how would you know?
So far,
everything's gotten worse.
You don't understand.
You don't even care.

Nobody does.

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