I Just Mess Up

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I'm sorry I can't do anything right.
I'm sorry I don't try hard enough, and I'm sorry I don't care.

I'm sorry I sit here on my phone and don't even care enough to start, and I'm sorry I procrastinate.

I'm sorry I just mess up
and mess up
and mess up.
I'm sorry I try to fix things all on my own.
I'm sorry I second guess myself
and everything I do.

I'm sorry that I don't trust anyone
and I don't take anyone's advice.
I'm sorry I complain and cry
and just talk about my issues
instead of actually fixing them.

I'm sorry I don't do anything

Author's Note
One thing that I've noticed is that sometimes, people (myself included) who struggle with anxiety - or any mental illness, for that matter - tend to try to fix things by themselves. It's always confused me why I try to make myself better when I've found time and time again that it never works. I've never been able to do it on my own, and I know I never will, but I still do it anyways because I want to prove I'm not weak, I guess? I don't know, just something I've been thinking about lately.

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