Chapter Seventeen

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It has been a week and Jonathan has no goddamn clue of Siara's whereabouts. Even with help from his private investigator, the result was none. He was so frustrated and stressed out. His fiancée could be anywhere and she could get hurt. The thought of his fiancée all alone and pregnant made Jonathan shudder. He could only hope that his fiancée was fine, or he won't forgave himself. 

Jonathan poured another glass of whiskey to his throat. The liquid burned his throat but at least it numb his feelings. His feelings and mind was a mess. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat properly, couldn't concentrate on his works, it was fucking messed up. Losing the love of your life was truly devastated. Jonathan already felt this feeling with Siara years ago. When she decided to just walked away from him when they both lost their baby, Jonathan's life shattered into pieces. Now all those hollow feelings came back again, he couldn't stand it.

One thing that kept his sane was his son, Smith. It took him two days to calm the young boy when he found out his soon to be step mother suddenly left, without word. Just like his biological mother years ago. Now Anna was here, but there was still a void in Smith's chest that he wanted Siara to be there for him, not his real mother. His soon to be step mother has grown in him.

Jonathan couldn't do anything but to just let the young boy cried and sad all day for exactly two days. It was out of his hand, especially right now. Jonathan never really told Smith the real reason why Siara left. He would be furious and blame him for anything has happened. Even he would blame himself if anything happnend to Siara.

Then he heard his room being knocked. Jonathan didn't reply. He simply wait the other person came inside to meet him. Bianca came in as Jonathan exhaled a deep breath.

"Is there any lead?" She asked.

Jonathan shook his head, "None."

"And you just going to sit here all day?" Bianca sounded impatient, "You haven't work for three days but you didn't search her either. What if she died?"

Jonathan looked to her with anger, "She's not."

Bianca snorted, "And how would you know? You didn't search for her."

"I did, Bianca!" He shouted, "I searched her but she was nowhere to be found."

"You didn't search enough!" Bianca shouted back, anger took her body, "She could be anywhere Jonathan! My sister could be anywhere! She's pregnant, she couldn't travel by plane!"

Jonathan threw his glass to the window but Bianca didn't flinced a bit by Jonathan's rage. She was angry as well. When she found out all the cause of Siara's ran away from his mansion was because Jonathan cheated on her.

She wanted to kill him. She really did. But Andrew calmed her down. Every day Bianca would came to Jonathan's room and asked how it goes with the search. Siara could be anywhere right now. The woman now know her ways around Manchaster. But her guts told her, she wouldn't be far. Siara's pregnant. Siara wouldn't be that fool to risk her child. Bianca knows Siara love this child too much.

Minute later, Andrew came in. He scan the room until one thing caught his eyes. He saw a big hole on the window.

"What's going on?"

Both Jonathan and Bianca only stood silence. While Bianca's eyes bore into Jonathan's figure, the man avoid hers.
Jonathan opened his mouth, "Just get your wife out of my room."

With heavy sigh, Andrew touch her forearm, "Come on baby. You need to rest."

"I won't. Not until I find my answer." She said.

"What answer?"

"Where's Siara?"


"I don't know, okay?!" Jonathan let out a heavy sigh, "I've tried but she was nowhere to be found."

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