Chapter Eighteen

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"You brought me here?"

Siara's eyes was gleam with surprised and happiness as she saw the excitement in front of her. Flashing lights was put on a show as they marched inside. Sounds of laughter and shrieked of happiness could be heard. Being in carnaval was on Siara's bucket list. She wanted to see every carnaval around Europe. But she never got the chance before as her fiancé forbid her from doing an outdoor activities.

Her chest was tighten. She forgot, Jonathan doesn't longer her fiancé . But sometimes she thought about him. She missed him.

It has been two weeks since she left Manchaster. She must has been made her family worried, that's for sure. But she needed this. She needed to let Jonathan go from her life. Although it was hurt, it was the best for her and Jonathan. Or so she thought. She never got any news from him as the other day she decided to change her number and phone then Nick gave her a new one.

She told him to dispose her old cellphone, but little did she know, Nick kept it in his drawer. Just for in case, he thought. He wanted to help her to forgot about Jonathan. But there was little gut in him told him, he shouldn't help her. For some reasons, he don't want her to get back with her ex.

But to make her fall in love with him? Sounds impossible.

"It's in your bucket list, right?" He asked while looking at her, "Come on let's go inside." Nick looked to his daughters whose busy with themselves and shouted, "Come on girls!"

Both Stephanie and Caroline looked to their father. They approached their father and together they walked inside to the carnaval.

The little girl, Caroline, nudge her hand to Siara. Without being told, Siara took her hand and held it. As she grew getting close again to Caroline, she could only hope her baby would be a girl. She never really wanted to know if it's a girl or boy as long as her baby healthy. But sometimes Siara wishes if it's a girl and sweet like Caroline.

The four of them having fun at the carnaval. Playing games, eating snacks and candy along the way. Even Nick won a prize at the shooting game, beat his own daughter, Stephanie. They were like a happy family to someone's else eyes.

Siara wonder, does she would be able to felt that feelings with Jonathan?

Siara threw away that thought. She always remind herself that she would be all right. In time, she would be able to forgot Jonathan. With Nick's help, of course.

Since they're intimate event when she arrived at Nick's apartment, they never had sex again. Nick promise her that he would never touch her more intimate than held her hands and hug her or sometimes kisses her forehead without Siara's permission. He also understood that she needed time to heal herself. He was nothing but sweet towards her. He cared for her, too much.

As she stared at his figure which took Caroline to one of game stall and help her to win it, Siara's mind had ran through many scenarios. Could she gave him a chance?

Well, she already did right now. But could she gave herself a chance to love again?

That she would never know.


Stephanie's voice broke away her daze. Siara looked up to her face then to her hand. She smiled while nodding then took the popcorn from her hand. Her stomach was already full, but her mouth wanted otherwise. Stephanie sat beside Siara then her gaze shifted to whatever made Siara's interest was not her.

When she found out that Siara checking out her father, she couldn't help but smile a little. Maybe this time, her father's feeling would be  reciprocate.

#2 : The S Word (Stay or Split) | Steamy Romance ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz