unedited 24//

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Chapter 24:

The Uchiha fought in the battlefield today, I watched as they entered the clangrounds soaked in blood from head to toe, some were happy as they have came out victorious, but the others were grieving their loss.

Then I saw some sort of box coming, confused, I faced one of the shinobi.
"What's that?" I asked.

He had a malicious smile on his face as he too, stared at the box.
"On our way back, we ambushed a group of Senju, fools they are, camping right out in the open. We of course didn't want to miss this chance, Those who resisted were killed though, we didn't want any problems." Then he gave me a sideway glance. "You shouldn't concern yourself with them, Madara-hime, they are being headed to the cells for interrogation and to be held hostage, aside from that, those Senju trash have no use for us."

I pursed my lips and continued to stare at that box, then I turned around to search for my father, he was the one in charge of the battlefield, and as much as I hate to say this... I'm sure that I would need his permission for this.

It wasn't that hard to spot him, he always had that usual scowl on his face that differed from the rest.

"Father." I called out. "I wish to enter the cells."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "So you have heard about the Senju?"

It was a rhetorical question. I knew that.

"Fine, do what you want." My eyes widened, surprised that he said yes that fast, perhaps he was in a good mood today?

Not wanting him to change his mind, I slightly bowed and left, I didn't need a fight with him today, that was definitely not what I needed.


I decided to enter the cells at night, the guards knew I had my father's permission so they let me pass through, I heard my footsteps grew louder as I went further in, I saw so many expressions on the faces of these prisoners.

But the one that was common in all of them was their sadness, their hands outstretched towards me, begging me to let them out. But I just felt indifferent towards them, no pity, no nothing.

I continued to walk, wanting to find my purpose, wanting to know what I was looking for...wanting to find out my reason for deciding to come here.

And then suddenly I stopped. My eyes widening as I looked at the person in the very last cell.


The man that stole my first kiss.

I didn't know what to feel, nor did I know what to do, should I send him off to be killed?

His life is practically right in my hands at this very moment. But I didn't want to kill him, even though he stole that first kiss of mine, I did not want any harm done to him.

What a strange feeling.

He was in a curled up position in the floor, and out of all the people in the cells, I actually felt something, wasn't it uncomfortable to sleep on the cold floor?

To suddenly be ambushed while they were simply just camping...that's a bit sad.

I touched his cheek.
"You're....quite pitiful aren't you." Seeing his situation right now, I sighed. "..I forgive you, idiot."

Then I turned around and left.


I came back the next day, at the exact same time I came before. Only this time, he was awake, staring at me with those eyes full of disbelief. He didn't say a word to me, but his eyes then landed unto the medical tools in my right hand.

"...Madara...you're a...Uchiha?"

"I have no idea why it is so shocking, my eyes and hair practically scream Uchiha, idiot." I said sarcastically as I bent down. "Now stay still, this isn't supposed to hurt."

I applied the medicinal tools to him, I myself wondered why I was doing this, he stole my first kiss so I should treat him quite badly...but what I am doing right now is completely the opposite.

"You're not doubting me? You're not even assuming that the things I am applying might be life threatening?"

"I believe that Madara...wouldn't do anything to hurt me."

I frowned. "You really are an idiot."

Suddenly, I heard his stomach growl.

"They haven't given you food?" I asked in surprise.

"They said that a lowly senju such as I, do not have the right to even touch the same food they eat."

"That's ridiculous." I stood up and sighed. "You should rest, and let time do its magic."

Before I could leave, his hand gripped my arm.
"...Will you come back?"

I turned red, not expecting this and slapped his hand away.
"I-Idiot! It's my choice if I decide to come back here or not!"

Then with a red face, I stormed away.

Why am I so affected?

I also came back the next day, only the time was different, I came very early in the morning, coming at night..the night shift guards have gone suspicious of me, so I came in the morning to avoid anyone seeing me, and that there were different guards.

looking at the man, I noticed he was asleep. How could he sleep soundly in this type of environment? But then I noticed the way his body was slightly shivering then I sighed.

I wrapped the blanked I had brought around him, and set the food I had brought behind him.

I still wonder why exactly am I doing this...why am I putting all of this care and effort on this man?

I looked outside and realized that this was the time people would usually start waking up, how did time pass by so fast?

Realizing it was my cue to leave, I turned around, but gave him one last look before I left.

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