unedited 25//

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Chapter 25:

I woke up to the sound of shouts and hollers, The first thing I did was glare at my wall. This early in the morning and it's already so lively? What in the world is happening?

I exited the main house only to find a crowd of people in one place, focusing their attention on one sole person--A senju, bound in chains. I easily maneuvered my way to the front, widening my eyes at the scene.

I may have killed various times before, but it was all for my main goal--to achieve my purpose, but this? This was just wrong.

And for me to say that something was wrong, that was saying something.

"Unhand me you blasted Uchiha--!"

Before he could complete what he was about to say, someone stomped on his head, looking down at him with a grin.

"You are in no place to spout any insults toward us."

As the eldest child in the main branch, I should've done something to stop this. I knew I should've done something to stop this, but in the end I did nothing, it was as if I was rooted to this spot ----Watching the scene unfold right before my eyes, that was the only thing I could do.

And for that, I felt pathetic.

I now understood why this was happening early during the day, at this moment every child was still asleep..I appreciate that they thought about the children but this does not justify their actions.

"Now tell me! What are the senju's plans!? What are their next moves? Your secrets? Your plans? Spill out everything and we might spare you!" One exclaimed.

I knew with every fiber of my being that that Senju will not be spared--and he will most definitely not come out alive.

And then I saw a child running to this direction, in panic, I exited the crowd of people and stood infront of the child, stopping him from going any further.

Looking at his height and face, he didn't even reach the age to be sent to train for the battlefield.

"You're too young." I muttered out, shielding his eyes and ears from the scene and leading him out of there.

Then as if on cue, I heard a scream then I flinched.

"But...I want to see, father." He mumbled.

"I'm sure your father will come back soon, now go home."

"Arin!" I heard someone yell, looking behind me I believed that it was the father of the child.

Seeing me his eyes widened and he gave a slight bow. "I deeply apologize for troubling Madara-hime, I'll take the boy now."

Letting go of the boy and watching him go into his father's arms...

Deep inside, I unknowingly yearned for a child of my own.


I visited the man in the cells again. These days I have secretly been giving him food, but as I came just to check on his condition I realized he was looking better than when he first came. And unlike the other times--he was now awake.

The first thing he did when he noticed my presence was smile. "..Thank you for the food."

"W-What? What food, who would give food to you?" For some reason I denied it.

He laughed, hearing his laughter, I stared at him in disbelief, he was under these type of circumstances and he still had the ability to laugh and smile?

He really was an idiot..

When I had came back to my senses, I realized his face was too close to mine, Turning red I pushed his face away immediately and almost raised my voice.


"Madara's reactions...really brighten up my day."

Too shameful!

"Do you...like me too, Madara?"

An idiot!

"Of course I don't!" I exclaimed. "I don't even know your name!"

Suddenly his aura changed and the smile he had twitched.

"You...can call me, Hashi."

I laughed. "Hashi? Like Hashirama?"
Suddenly I stopped in my tracks, my eyes widening, in a flash, everything started to piece together then a familiar face matched with the one infront of me.


"...Hashirama is that you?"

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