A New Friend

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Farrah rocked back and forth on her rocking chair, squinting at the sun which hid behind a row of clouds. A small bag of peanuts she had grabbed from the convenience store was laid out on her lap. She popped a nut into her mouth and chewed vigorously, staring at the place where Isen and her sat around the fire.

It all seemed like something out of a dream, and she would have thought it was one if it weren't for the dress she was still wearing. She still couldn't believe that it had once been chunks of wood. Maybe that day she would ask him what else he could do with his powers. If he could make anything out of anything, then that was beyond amazing.

Farrah yawned, stretching like a cat before folding her arms over her tummy. She couldn't sleep since Isen left, and so she decided it was better to get her chores done early. Now, she was bored and had nothing to do but to wait until nightfall arrived.

She felt weird anticipating the return of Isen, especially since she was so terrified of him just last night. But of course she was eager to talk with someone, even if it was the freakiest thing she had ever laid eyes on.

Farrah groaned like a child, chewing on another peanut before sitting up and making her way down the creaky porch steps. She shook her shoeless feet, running her fingers through her lightly tangled hair.

Sitting around and waiting for something to happen wasn't exactly what Farrah wanted to do. She usually kept herself busy from day to night, but with everything done she just couldn't keep still.

Like a soldier, she marched towards the front of the town and stopped right before she could leave her sanctuary. It had been a while since she left Windsburg. The last time she wandered out was a couple of months ago, but it was merely because it was a windy day and her flimsy cup had been swept away.

Truth to be told, she never felt the need to leave the place, hence why she was slightly reluctant to explore at that moment. Part of her was worried she would get lost, but the other more dominant side poked her skull and urged her to go out and explore while it was still daytime.

She eventually decided it was best to search for supplies close to town instead of wandering far. Perhaps her urge to go out and discover new places would subside as soon as she got busy.

Farrah patted down her dress and hair, attempting to look mildly presentable in case she crossed paths with anyone. It wasn't likely, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Isen's gorilla remark was something that she was sure never to forget, and it made her remember how she used to take better care of herself before the world ended. She forgot the last time she ever looked in a mirror and dreaded what she would see when she managed to somehow find one. 

The young woman hopped down a slightly steep hill, making sure she didn't step on anything sharp or gross. If she was lucky this time around, then maybe just maybe she might find a shoe or two. It would help her damaged feet, no matter the size. 

From up high in the burning heavens, a few birds whistled to one another as they circled around the girl in the lilac-colored dress. She didn't notice at first until they swooped down and caught her by surprise. Farrah was afraid they would smash against her face, but once she realized they were careful, she stopped to admire the rare sight. 

They sang a cheerful tune as they finally landed on the grass, inches away from the human's feet. Farrah smiled brightly as she stepped down on one knee, outstretching her hand towards the group of winged creatures. A few hopped away in the beginning, but it seemed they began to notice she would do them no harm. 

After a few minutes of calling them every adorable name she could think of, Farrah was both pleased and shocked to find that two birds managed to summon the courage to jump on her palms. She didn't want to move a muscle, despite the burning sensation gathering up on her arms and thighs. The scene was just so beautiful and unexpected, Farrah wanted to savor every moment of it. 

Unfortunately for her, the glorious moment lasted for only a few minutes. 

From behind, a pair of loud footsteps as well as a gust of strong wind caused her to fall on to the ground, the animals on her hands flying away along with the rest of their group. Farrah spat out a few strands of grass as she whirled around and nearly fell back at the sight that awaited her.

Isen was there once more, examining her curiously with what appeared to be an umbrella in his gloved hand. Farrah blinked many times, rubbing her eyes to digest how different the creature appeared that day. 

Instead of a naked, furry body, he was covered with what looked like a suit and tie. Even his bare feet were covered with black, classy shoes. The girl couldn't help but ask why he was so dressed up.

Isen casually glanced down at his attire, shrugging as if he really didn't think it was much. "I watched a movie just last night. The man in the screen wore something like this." Farrah examined the beast form head to toe, unsure if she should relax or still be cautious around him. She ended up nodding, giving a short laugh before her face was replaced with a mask of apprehension. 

"Why do you have an umbrella?"

"I do not like the sun. Why are you away from home?"

"I got bored." Farrah finished, smoothing down her dress as she faced the opposite direction. "How did you know I was here? Were you stalking me?" Isen bent down to pick up a gray bag the girl hadn't noticed before. She watched with curiosity as her horned companion handed it towards her without a word, his sharp teeth smacking together as he waited for her to take it.

She eventually did, bringing it close to her face and nearly gasping aloud when she realized what he had brought her. "This is...everything I asked for. I didn't really expect you to bring it." Farrah reached into the bag and pulled out a red bottle of shampoo, sighing softly as she lifted the lid and breathed in the beautiful, lovely scent. It had been so long since she last smelled something so rich, it was as if though her long dead senses were being awakened once again.

"You have accepted my apology," Isen stated in a robotic, confident manner. Farrah rose an eyebrow, gently setting the bag of much needed goods to one side, "I never said I did."

"But you have accepted my gift?"

"I did, but that doesn't mean I accept your apology." Farrah responded, taking her gift and making her way past the tall creature. Part of her wanted to turn her head and keep an eye on the monster, just so she was sure he wouldn't sneak up behind her and chomp her head clean off. She ended up doing just that, watching him follow after her slowly from her peripheral vision. 

Isen seemed like a strange, oddly friendly creature, but she knew he was still a freaky being she knew nothing about. She couldn't be too comfortable around him. Who knew what he was capable of?

"What will you be doing now?" Isen asked after a long moment of silence, trailing close behind the girl as they ended up back in Windsburg. Farrah shrugged as she stepped aside and crossed her arms, leaning against an abandoned Volkswagen. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to take a shower and get ready."

Isen adjusted the umbrella in his claw and plopped down on the ground, already making himself comfortable. "I will wait here until you are done."

"There's no need to." Farrah objected cautiously, wondering why Isen was so eager to stick around her now. He must have read her thoughts at that moment, because he faced her with an emotionless face and added, "I do not want to make you uncomfortable. I am only here because we are both alone in this world."       

Farrah tried to suppress a scoff, and she glanced down momentarily as if trying to come up with an appropriate response, "So what? We're supposed to be best friends now?"

"I figured since you were waiting for me so long, we must at least be in good terms."

"I wasn't waiting," The girl lied, knitting her eyebrows, "I was just sitting and eating- so you were stalking me! Jesus, am I going to be under your supervision for the rest of my life? If that's the case, please go."

Isen sat silent for a while, as if trying to digest everything he was told and what the best outcome to the tense situation would be. With a satisfied nod, he conjured a bag of peanuts out of nowhere and ripped it open with his teeth. With a long tongue that gave Farrah shivers, he picked each one up and munched vigorously.

Farrah realized what his response was, and with a conflicted sigh, began to walk away towards the large bucket of water she owned.

"I won't be long..."

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