In Your Arms

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Farrah gripped on to her shirt, twisting it as she collapsed on her knees. A puddle of bluish black liquid stained her skin as she began to cry like a mad woman.

Isen was barely alive, lying in a pool of his own blood. His raspy breathes and painful whines made Farrah even more frantic as she struggled to stop his gaping wounds with her hands and clothes. She wouldn't stop until a firm, yet gentle claw grabbed a hold of hers.

"I am...glad you are....alive, Farrah," Isen squeezed Farrahs hand as she rested his head on her lap.

She wouldn't stop petting his cheek, nor could she stop sobbing. There was so much emotional pain crawling into every part of her, Farrah didn't even know if it was possible to continue living on with this sorrow.

Algol was standing by, pulling out the thick bullets that had penetrated into his own skin. His lower jaw had been blown off, and his head was cracked, but he wasn't concerned about himself at the moment.

"You can heal and get better right!? You have powers you can do it!" Farrah was practically yelling, and her outbursts only came to a stop when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She placed her fingers on her belly, breathing in sharply as she tried to regain composure.

Algol was the first to notice, then it was Isen. The dying being did not say a word as he gently pressed his claw against Farrah's belly, taking in a sharp breath as he came to a sudden realization.

"I'm pregnant," Farrah wiped the snot off her face, wishing that the news would have been revealed in a different situation.

Algol knew the child was Isen's. When he had asked him long ago what else occurred between him and Farrah in the cave, Isen confessed that they had come to know each other on a more personal level. Neither of them expected a baby would be the end result.

"I am...a father?" Isen mumbled, squeezing on to Farrah's fingers as she wrapped her own around his. The woman nodded hard, her vision blurry as more tears poured out.

"Do not cry, " Isen whispered, his breathing becoming shallower along with his voice. His fingers trailed along her stomach, slowly falling off to one side as his head began to tilt, "...I love you, Farrah."

"I love you too, Isen," Farrah quickly responded, realizing that he was fading away. She desperately held on to him, hoping that by some chance he would come back to her. When she no longer felt his breathe on her chest, she knew that Isen was gone.

An unnatural cry came out of her mouth as she gripped on to Isen's limp head, refusing to let go despite feeling his body dissolving into nothing.

Algol could not speak, but even if he could he wouldn't. He had never cared much for humans or their emotions before, but seeing Farrah in such an awful state was enough to make him break down as well.

Isen was his friend since they entered Earth. Despite their differences, Algol deeply cared for him. In losing Isen, he lost a part of himself.

Algol reached out for Farrah once her mourning had quieted down. She was still seated on the ground, staring at the spot where Isen's body once was. Her eyes were empty, cold, and dark, as if her soul had disappeared with her love.

The being bent down, quietly scooping her in his arms with little trouble. She didn't even resist, but it was clear she wasn't even there to begin with.

"I'm sorry," A trembling voice coming from behind Algol stopped him from leaving. He turned around, meeting a pale looking Skye who had without a doubt witnessed the whole scene.

"I'm so sorry," Skye repeated, trying to avoid the decapitated body of his father lying just a few feet away. "I know I fucked up." He bowed his head, ready to accept the same punishment as his father.

Algol stared at the weak man in front of him, but forced himself to look away when a bitterness began to chew at his insides. He walked away from Skye and immediately out of Haven, vowing to never set foot in that place ever again.

Soon, it would decay along with all the other man made things still present in Earth. As for Farrah, Algol thought, observing the womans dazed expression as she stared off at nothing in particular. Farrah would stay by his side, in a special place, in a different world.

Algol stopped walking, standing by a cliff that overlooked the land before him. There was nothing but a sea of green vegetation and animals roaming free for as far as the eye could see.

The distant sound of a gun firing off confirmed that the Purification was now complete. Algol would return to his universe, and Farrah would come with him. He vowed he would take good care of her and her baby, for Isen's sake.

As for himself, Algol knew he would have to prepare for the next stage of his mission. A new era was approaching, and despite her not knowing, Farrah was the start of it.

Algol stared at her stomach, wondering when her pregnancy would become more apparent. Aside from that, Algol was also curious what type of child would come out of her womb. He was so focused on the future, he felt guilty when Farrah's voice brought him back to the present.

"Everyone's dead," she repeated in a monotone voice, "I'm alone again."

Algol wanted to respond, but all that came out of his throat was a choking sound. If Isen were there, he would have made him another jaw from thin air.

If only Isen were there...

"Let's just go," Farrah whispered, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to block out the world around her. Algol didn't feel he had to let her know she could never step foot on Earth again. Deep inside, he felt she wouldn't want to ever come back. He wasn't planning on it either.

The both of them vanished, leaving behind Earth for the animals and plants to rule. Now that man was gone, Earth could finally recover from the damage she had received for many years. Peace and prosperity were sure to come.


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