Chapter 14

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If she had to look at the four walls of the cottage's main room one more time, she was certain she was going to scream. Rain had pummeled the countryside almost constantly for several days, and she had had no chance to get outdoors for fresh air. The cottage was filled with stale, suffocating air, and she was stir crazy.

Today, the sky had threatened rain. The shower, however, had been kept at bay, and she had been kept indoors to watch over Lavinia who was ill. It would be her luck that on a fairly nice day, there was something to keep her out of the fresh air.

"You should get outside." Lavinia's voice brought her back to the present; it was tinged with amusement. "If your eyebrows sink any lower, I fear your eyes will suffer permanent damage."

"I can't leave you alone." Cassandra replied darkly and without a hint of conviction in her voice.

"I'm not alone. Eliza is here, you know. She can take care of me." Lavinia was going to make a perfect mother. She already looked after all of them better than they could hope to look after her.

"Well, there's nowhere to go." Cassandra said almost sharply. "I need new landscape, and the garden doesn't offer that."

"A ride on one of the Fergus horses might." Lavinia sang, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't just go take one of their horses." Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Besides, I have no way of getting there. Walking in my riding boots is certainly out of the question."

"Hmm. Then I suppose it's a good thing Ethan is heading over there to help Charlie with some legal papers." Cassandra turned to look at her sister as though she questioned the truth of the statement, but there was nothing except pure honesty in Lavinia's eyes.

"He doesn't mind taking me?" Cassandra said hopefully.

Lavinia laughed. "Not in the least. In fact, he should be here any moment with a trap from town."

With a sharp intake of breath, Cassandra flung herself out of her chair, mumbling a thanks to her amused sister as she tore into her bedroom. She didn't bother to call Eliza but wriggled out of her gown on her own. She'd never been dressed and ready so quickly, and it couldn't have been more than twenty minutes before she was back in the main room.

Ethan was waiting out front for her. He helped her into the rather old looking trap, smiling at her obvious eagerness. He didn't speak, however, and had she been thinking, she might have paused to ask what was wrong, but her mind was firmly fixed on other things.

Any other day, his driving wouldn't have bothered her, but today, it took all of her self control not to criticize his every move. He drove methodically, slowly, and she wanted desperately to snatch the reigns out of his hands and whip the animal into action. She refrained from acting on her desires with great difficulty and remained silent. Surely, though, couldn't they go a little faster?

When they arrived at Fergus manor, she didn't wait to be helped down but flung herself to the ground. She was halfway across the courtyard before she realized that she had no idea where to find the stables. She returned to Ethan, annoyed at the delay.

"Ah, Lady Cassandra, it's so good to see you've taken up Irene's offer!" Charles Fergus made his way down the front steps, an easy smile on his face.

"I intend to." Cassandra bobbed a quick curtsey. "If I can find your stables."

Charles chuckled. "Irene is out visiting some friends right now, but I hope she'll go along with you in the future. You'll find the stables that way." He indicated the direction, his attention going to Ethan suddenly. "Follow the path until you reach the hedge, then follow your nose from there."

Cassandra didn't wait to be told a second time. With a hasty 'thank you', she followed his directions. On her way, she noticed the Fergus grounds were kept immaculate. The grass was perfectly trimmed, and the flower beds obviously tended with an expert hand. Someone too great pride in the outer appearance of the manor.

When she came in sight of the stables, she paused for a moment. Never had she seen such an efficient and appealing place for animals. It would seem everything on the manor was kept in perfect condition.

"You're here for your horse, I presume, milady?" A male voice interrupted her astonished staring, but it wasn't the words that made her stiffen so much as the tone.

Narrowing her eyes, she turned to face the servant. It was the same man who had given her a ride on the day of her arrival, and he was grinning at her. No, smirking. There was smooth arrogance in the tilt of his lips.

"I told you we'd be meetin' again, didn't I, lady?" He drawled, raising a brow. "Aren't ya glad to see me?"

"Glad?" She seethed through gritted teeth. "What gives you the idea that the sight of you would please me?"

His eyes widened in mock innocence. "Well, don't look at me like that, sweetheart. 'Twas you that embraced me when last we met."

"I most certainly did not embrace you, sir." She replied coldly.

"Don't get all frosty with me now. I'm sure you've toyed with many a man's heart before ever you reached for me." He grinned, gently patting the horse's flank.

Unsure how to respond, she simply glared at him. His ability to silence her enraged her. Who did he think he was? She found herself wondering the question for the hundredth time.

"Now, if you'll just allow me to—" releasing the lead rope, he turned to do something, and Cassandra saw her chance.

She quickly closed the distance between herself and the animal. Shooting a mocking laugh in his direction, she launched herself into the saddle. Oh, but it felt good to be on horseback again!

"Stop!" He bellowed, and his voice was different somehow, commanding. "Wait!"

Tossing a triumphant look over her shoulder, she spurred the animal out of the stable-yard. Lost to her ears were the words:

"Cassandra, no! The saddle girth hasn't been tightened!"


ANnnnnd. . .he's back! Ah, yes, I quite enjoyed adding a little sass into this chapter! What can I say? The other two books that I'm working on have rather quiet, laid back characters at the moment, and it's fun to have some variety!

How has y'all's week been? Do any of you guys have siblings? Correction, do any of you guys have married/in relationship siblings? If so, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say they're the worst! Either they spend all their/your time talking to you about their s.o. and how great the person is, or they try to match you up with someone so you can 'be just as happy as they are <3 <3'. Ugh. It's pretty terrible. Haha. Nah. I love my siblings. Sometimes, they just need a reminder that I'm not their charity case ;).

Anyway, see you guys next week!!!

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