Chapter 19

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Oh, gosh!! I can't believe I forgot to mention when I first published this chapter!!! I changed Marie's name to Irene, because it was so similar to Lady Antrucha's name—Maria. I hope that makes sense and no one is too confused!!!!

"Honestly, you can't think of going off and leaving me now, Livy! I've gotten far to used to your company, and Charlie and Ethan have plenty to do to keep them busy." Irene bit her lip, her eyes pleading.

    "We can't stay here forever." Lavinia laughed. "We're not that far away, if you care to recall."

    "I don't care to recall, because I like to have you here, just a room away. Tell her, Cassie!"

    Cassandra raised a brow at her friend. "Look, if you knew Lavinia as well as I, I don't expect you'd be arguing with her right now." She smiled indulgently at her sister.

    "At least stay until Saturday. Charlie says he needs Ethan'a help with some estate management issues. It'd be ever so much easier for them to work together in closer quarters."

    "I do want to take another ride." Cassandra kept her eyes fixed pointedly on her embroidery as she spoke.

    She knew that Lavinia wanted to stay at Ferguson Manor, but she also knew that it felt like an intrusion to ever-caring Lavinia. Even at the Fergus' insistence that they were no trouble, that they actually enjoyed the company, she hated to be a burden on anyone. Only last evening, she had begged Cassandra to be a supporter in this, but Cassandra couldn't support her in doing something that would cause her discomfort.

    At Fergus Manor, all of their needs were provided for before they really knew they'd been needs. There were servants to cook and clean, and the lack of work was putting the spark back into Lavinia's eyes.

    "Oh, yes, you must!" Irene latched onto the argument immediately. "There's so much you should see of the countryside. It really is lovely! And hearing Graham talk about it, I'm almost tempted to go out myself."

    Cassandra's hands stilled at the mention of Graham. A full day had passed since their meeting in the library, and she still couldn't understand the apparent change that had come over him behind those closed doors. For one single, solitary moment, it had been like he cared about something. There had been no mockery in his tone or face.

    She couldn't understand him, and that enraged her. He was difficult, annoyingly so, and yet, she couldn't help but wonder who he was beneath his layers of arrogance.

    "Cassie? Cassandra?" She looked up with a start, realizing her work had fallen idle in her lap, and she was staring off into space. "Is everything all right?" Lavinia's brows drew together.

    "Perfectly." Cassandra smiled at her sister. "Just got lost in thought for a moment, I suppose."

    "I'm going up to take a nap. If Ethan asks where I am, tell him for me." Lavinia rose and stretched. "I don't want to interrupt him and Charlie. They're elbow deep in their work."

    "Of course," Cassandra stood up to help her sister.

    "I'm capable of managing myself, Cassie." Lavinia said wryly. "You don't have to worry about me. Take that ride you've been wanting." She slipped out of the room with a last smile.

    "How about we get some air?" Cassandra smiled at Irene. "I'm frightfully bored getting shut up inside all day."

    "Shall I have Maybelle send for Graham and have some horses saddled?" Irene put up her embroidery.

    "No!" Cassandra said quickly. Too quickly. She closed her eyes for a moment. "Let's just walk in the garden."

    "I knew it!" Irene sounded triumphant.

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