27 ~ A Bubbly Romance

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"So, now you can tell me, right?" Connor asked.

Zailey went over to the shed to take out a wide buckets and giant bubble wands, "Have you ever made bubbles?"


"But not just any bubbles, Spongebob worthy bubbles."

"Sounds fun, can you float inside and fly?"

Zailey pouted, "We've got airplanes for that. It's much more fun trying to pop them," she said, mixing the ingredients.

Once the bubble mixture was ready, Connor and Zailey carried it out to the school yard, where they met with the students.

"It's ready! Is everyone excited?" Zailey yelled.



"Okay, get ready for the biggest bubbles you have ever seen," Connor dipped a bubble wand into the mixture.

He waved the wand through the air, making a big, colorful stream of bubbles. Everyone watched in awe, amazed as the gigantic bubbles floated about. Zailey took another wand and joined in, filling the atmosphere with beautiful spheres of vivid colors. The fresh floral scent of soap and laughter lingered through the air, as everyone ran around trying to pop them.

"Zai," a teacher's aide called out to her, holding up a giant sized bubble wand.

"Oh my gosh, that's perfect. Whose is it?"

"Mrs. Harrison saw you guys playing with bubbles, so she said to bring them over. Here's a step stool, it'll keep their feet from getting wet."

"Thank you so much!"

She set the step stool in the middle of the tub, "Can I get a volunteer to go inside this bubble?"

Somewhat scared, they refused to volunteer.

"Aw... Here, let me show you. It's really fun," Zailey said, stepping on the step stool.

She gave Connor a thumbs up, signalling him to lift the wand from the mixture to the top of her head. They watched as the bubble wobbled and danced around Zailey, making her seem like a futuristic hologram.

"Woooow! Cool!" They all cheered, suddenly rushing up to Connor volunteer.

Zailey looked around at the bubble surrounding her, in awe herself. Connor waved at her from outside, but was caught off guard by her laughter and bright smile. Despite the amount of times he had seen her smile and laugh, each one still felt like unwrapping presents on Christmas Day. He couldn't get enough of it.

She eagerly waved back with both hands, "Cool, right?!"

Soon enough, the bubble burst, "Aww! Can you make more bubbles?"

"I wanna go inside, too!"

"Can I go after?"

"Don't worry, you'll all get your turn," Zailey said, before turning to a girl that stood quietly apart from everyone else. "Hey there... Do you wanna go inside the bubble?"

The girl shook her head vigorously.

"Are you sure? I saw you smiling earlier... You really like them, don't you?" Zailey asked.

The girl looked down and slightly nodded her head.

"Good! Because I do, too." Zailey said, raising her hand for a high five. "We're kind of like... Twins."

The girl slowly looked up and smiled, returning her high five.

"There we go... Now, come on, let's get you inside a bubble," Zailey held out her hand.

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