3|The Deal|

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My sparring with Brandon Hunter was hard. Of course, he won. He knows when and where to hit me enough to make me stumble on the ground.

Well, I honestly didn't try. I didn't dare to land a punch or kick in his 'oh-so-nice' body because that would give him the impression that I'm strong. Not to brag but I'm pretty strong.

After kickboxing, I went to our cafeteria to eat. Usually, I don't but my stomach is growling. After that workout with Brandon, I'm beyond exhausted. He literally made me his own punching bag!

When I waited in line for my lunch, I noticed the school cheerleaders on one of the tables. As usual, they were all wearing heavy make-ups under their ugly duck faces. They were probably gossiping about the gangs and hot boys.

The Nightwalker Gang only has four members and yet they're known to be the strongest and most notorious group. Why? Because they use violence against everything.

Rumors say that anyone who crosses their gang ends up in a coma or six feet under the ground. It's most likely to be true since the incidents of missing students in our school.

Only if Brandon Hunter was nice...

Snapping out of my thoughts, I felt the whole school laughing. "I'm sorry, emo. Didn't see you there!" Darren smirked. Of course, he saw me, he just pisses me off, all the time.

I'd love nothing more to stab my fork into his eyeballs but I decided against it. I shrugged him off and picked up the food that fell from my tray. I guess, no food for me today.

Darren Cole is the second in command of the Nightwalker Gang. Just like his leader, he is also a player. Darren and Brandon are cousins but no one in the school probably knows.

I don't feel like attending my science class so I walked my way to my hiding spot. I needed to clean the milk that the douche spilled on me.

While walking on the campus, I heard footsteps that were followed by a voice, "Still ignoring me, princess?"

I turned around to see Darren and the gang. What do they need? Someone to mess with? I wanted to slap all of their faces but I just continued walking.

"She's the only one who doesn't like any of us." The other guy said. Yeah, I'm probably the only one who doesn't get those blushing cheeks when a Nightwalker talks to me.

They were still following me and I couldn't lead them to my hiding spot so I tried to lose them. There were four of them, it's a hopeless case.

"One more step, emo, you'll regret it." Brandon's voice spoke. Well, I regret a lot of things so I didn't mind his warning and ran.

It wasn't far before one them, Gabriel caught me. Now, I'm in the middle of four gang members.

"What do you assholes want!?" I snapped.

Two of them held my wrists, making me immobile. "First, you didn't follow my orders in math. Second, you ran away from us. Third, you called us an asshole. What should we do about that, boys?"

You have got to be kidding me.

"Three strikes, princess. Three punishments. Since you also left me in that cafeteria line, let's make it four. One from each of us, wouldn't that be fun?" Darren suggested. As if I could say something about it.

Everyone shook their heads saying yes while Vincent, the other member said, "Sounds great."

I was trying to break loose when their grips tightened. We were at the back of the school so no one would hear me even if I scream.

While Brandon was standing in front of me, Darren stood beside him. Gabriel and Vincent were holding me tight. Damn, hot boys surrounding me...

Seriously, Cassidy? That's what you're thinking right now?

"Four weeks, four punishments, one gang. Deal?" I kept my head down because I didn't want Brandon to stare directly at my face. I just couldn't.

I acted stupidly and nodded my head. It's like I sold my soul to the devil. Great. Now I have a month of living in hell. What could be worse right?

Vincent thought of my first so-called punishment. "I'll leave all my homework in your locker every day and expect to have it done the next day."

Vincent is a smart streetfighter, he has his own tactics yet he can't even do his damn homework. Such the irony.

"Deliver my lunch food on our table every day. That shouldn't be hard, right, princess?" Darren looked at me with his non-working flirtatious smile. I may be an alien but seriously, his looks don't work on me.

So now, I'm a homework maker, food deliverer. What could Gabriel possibly want? "I know that you do those graffitis in the skate park, do my art project for me." I couldn't even start my project and now I have to do his work, plus, he shouldn't have mentioned the graffitis.

After the three of them were done, they all turned to their leader and wait for his punishment. I'm silently begging the Lord for him to go easy on me.

"Do as I say, not buts, no hesitations. I'll give you five scratches. If you fail, there'll be a greater punishment." His tone was deep and serious. I know that I should be scared as hell but his voice was rather comforting?

I sighed as they let go of my arms. They told me that everything will start tomorrow. Why did everything have to happen before graduation? I just wanted to get out of this hell and now I'm screwed.

"See you around, princess," Darren whispered. This man is quite persistent. He hits on people like me because he thinks of us as a 'challenge' Well, he's not getting any of my attention.

After that intense confrontation, I skated back to my house and flopped down onto my bed. I skipped the rest of the day because I wanted to enjoy the last day of my freedom.

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