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Cassidy Morgan's Point of View

I was in the bathroom when gunshots suddenly sounded in the whole house. Did their meeting go so bad that they are killing each other now?

Probably not.

Now that I've cleaned my wounds and applied the cream that Darren has given me, I stared at myself in the mirror. There, I saw a woman with red hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful face. When was the last time I even looked at myself?

The gunshots stopped and I heard a scream, "Cover me, Brandon!" shit. There's an actual fight. The thing with gangs is that you don't know what's actually real.

So the real question is, do I get out of this room and help? I don't even have any weapons and I'm planning to go into the battlefield. This will be a bad idea.

I looked around the room and searched for anything that could help. I think that this room is a guest room. Nothing from anyone belongs here. The only thing I have is a knife strapped on my thigh.

Yes, I'm prepared.

Gunshots erupted again and this time I rushed to the door. Stupid gang! They locked me from the outside. Honestly, I can escape it easily so, I used my bobby pin and unlocked the door.

When I found myself in the hallway, I followed the loud gunshots that lead me outside. I thought I was in Brandon's house but I'm completely wrong. What the fuck am I doing in a cabin?

There's no way in hell I can run from these people. I may escape but I'll end up dead in the woods. I walked silently and there I saw, seven people fighting for their bloody lives.

The NightWalker gang were all standing up, proudly holding their guns. Then, I saw Darren holding his shoulder while blood was dripping. It's his own blood.

I don't know how long I stood there in shock. I've never seen that much blood before. Out of a sudden, I felt Brandon's eyes piercing through me.

I got caught.

"Vincent, Gabriel, take care of it. I'm taking Darren inside." I don't know if I should just stand here or what. When Brandon walked Darren towards me, I felt him press a gun on my back. Great.

"You'll walk back with me or you can happily join the beaten up men." Of course, I walked back. Darren was doing so well in keeping his screams. A gunshot hurts and he makes it look like he's not hurt at all!

He placed Darren on the couch and he grabbed the first aid kit. Does he even know how to pull a bullet? The adrenaline that pumped so fast in my body finally calmed and I was able to think clearly.

When Brandon's shaky hands tried to pull the bullet out, I noticed Darren falling into unconsciousness. Brandon Hunter isn't doing it right.

"Brandon, I can do it." I was expecting him to let me but he gave me a death stare instead. I know how to treat injured people because I treat myself when I'm injured.

"Why the fuck would I trust you with my member's life!" He really can't be serious right now. Darren's loosing so much blood and he chooses to be mad.

"You know what, I'm just trying to help. Why don't you pull your gun and point it to my head? When I kill Darren, pull the trigger and get rid of me!" Woah. Cassidy that's a death move.

And yes, he pulled his gun out and stood at my back. He was watching me while I walked towards Darren.

"Darren, don't you dare close your eyes." I grabbed the scissors, cut his shirt and held the tweezers. His wound is not so deep. I pressed the tweezers into his flesh and I instantly felt the metal bullet.

I pulled the bullet and placed it on the table. I wiped the outsides of the wound. Seeing that it was obviously open, I took the needle and gave it two stitches. After that, I used the gauze to firmly press to stop the bleeding before I taped it.

Darren is a strong man, he didn't let out a single scream. If I was in his position, I must have lost my voice now. "Don't use your left arm too much if unless you want your stitches to burst." I teasingly said.

After I was done, I could feel Brandon, Gabriel, and Vincent staring at me. Were they so amused that I could fix a bullet hole? Well, I'm proud of myself too. "Also, I'll change the gauze at least twice a day if you don't want any infections."

With such ease, Darren stood up and sat on the couch. I could see the relief on his face. "How did you learn to do that, Cassidy?" I was shocked to hear my name from one of them. No one really called me by my name.

"Well, I could tell that it would take forever before the ambulance reaches this hidden area so someone had to play the doctor act," I stated with sarcasm. Brandon tucked his gun on his back and motioned for me to sit on a chair.

What now?

"How did your men find this place? How do you even know where the fuck you are?" Oh, Brandon Hunter, I'm sick of your twisted games!

"I see why you're overprotective of your gang, I get that but how many times do I have to tell you that I don't belong in one? If I do, I should have let Darren die! I should have stabbed this knife straight into your chest." I pulled the strapped knife on my thigh and dropped it on the table.

"Brandon, calm down. She just saved my ass and I'm thankful for that. Don't blame her for the attack. All of them were dead anyway." Darren weakly said.

Seven dead people.

"Why can't you just let me go? I'm of no use in this place, Brandon." He looked at me with an evil stare. The kind of eyes that held some darkness in it.

"I can't let a little girl that saved two lives of the most feared gang walking around and ruining my reputation," He whispered.

"Don't be too damn afraid of your reputation. Stop being egotistical and cocky, you may not have wanted help that day but you surely fucking needed it!" I snapped before walking back to the room.

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