Chapter Two

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Of all creatures in the Kingdom, it was the Waterfolk who were most feared.
Though they were the only ones who had no interest in the war of the Landfolk.
The Sirens and Mer kept to themselves in their oceans. Except for when a ship strayed too far. Or if a creature got too close to the coast.

The Sirens would enchant sailors from their boats with their singing. None could escape the pull of a Siren's voice. Sailors would throw themselves into raging waters just to hear the voices more. Some would jump from cliffs just to follow their song. Once in the water, the Sirens would feed on them. Their voices commanded their prey to give themselves to them freely. The Sirens would suck the life from them.

The Mer would also enchant sailors to their deaths. Not with their voices, but with their beauty.
Like the Sirens, Sailors would jump straight into their open arms. The Mer would then feed on their blood.

None could escape the pull of either creature. Even women would fall victim to the songs of a Siren and the beauty of a Mer. The Waterfolk did not discriminate on which creature or gender they hunted. Though they enjoyed the hunt, they didn't do it purely for fun. They did it for their survival. So they were never hungry.

Out of anger, the Landfolk hunted them.

They would wear little devices in their ears to block out the songs of the Siren and darkened glass around their eyes to block out some of the beauty of the Mer. Then, they would snatch them from the sea and sell them. The sirens would have their tongues cut from their mouths and then their lips sewn shut. The Mer would have an eye removed. Blocking their enchanting magic.

Then, they were sold as pets.

So the Waterfolk joined the First War. They infested lakes, coves and rivers. They slaughtered thousands of unsuspecting creatures. This time it wasn't for sustenance. It was for revenge.

They killed more people for revenge than they would have killed had they been left alone.

-The History of the Great War of Vivelle. Volume One, Chapter Twenty-Seven, Verse Sixteen.

The dress is beautiful. It was sent up to my room not long after I got back to it. My lady in waiting, Juliet, brings it in proudly. My father chose well. It will show off my "wide hips" nicely. It is supposed that women with wider hips are better at giving birth to children and are seen as a sign of being fertile. Seeing as the only responsibility I or my sisters will have is to carry and birth a male heir, this is seen as pretty important. It is also the body types that are preferred of women.

I have one of these bodies. My stomach is flat and toned. My legs are also toned and long. My behind is perky as are my breasts. I also have soft, smooth skin. At least, that is the polite version of what I have heard some of the young soldiers say whilst talking about me when they thought I haven't been there to hear. My father has given me a dress which elegantly emphasises all my curves. I hate him, but he knows how to dress us in ways that make us look desirable and classy.

I look very much like my father. I have his pale cream skin and share his sharp facial features. The cheekbones and jawline. Also, like him, I have black hair.  However, he has his neat and short whilst mine falls down my back in soft waves. My lips are full and soft. A feature I share with my mother. Along with a button nose and thick lashes which surround my eyes.

There is something about me which is very unique, however. I have different coloured eyes. My right eye is a warm, dark brown. The other eye is a bright, shining blue. Like the colour of the sky. It is very striking and no one knows why I was born with it.

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