Chapter Fifty-Three

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Something strange happened today. A girl walked into my room. She was dressed as one of my ladies in waiting, however, I did not recognise her. Well, I know I haven't physically seen her before. I think I have seen her before in my visions though. It was very strange. The visions I remember her face were in visions of the future. So, how was she physically standing in the room with me? She has yet to be born. As I write, her face flashes in my mind again. Her wide-eyed, terrified expression as she looked at me in confusion. Then, she just disappeared. It leaves me wondering if I just made her up completely. No. That isn't right. She was definitely standing in front of me. How did a girl whose face I have seen so far in the future appear in my room?

I don't know much about the future. Those are the visions which come to me the least. Though of all my visions that show me what is to come, her face is the one to appear the most in my mind. She is important, I can feel it. I do not know who she is or how she came back from her time, but if she appears again I will be sure to question her.

~The Diary of Queen Orianna

Nianzu finally returns to the camp after a week. He lands on the ground in his crow form before transforming back into the human I have become so familiar with. I let out a squeal of excitement and run over to him, jumping into his arms. In our short time together with only each other for company, I have grown very fond of the demi-god shifter. I missed him greatly. He laughs as he hugs me.

"Is it done?" I ask him. He nods his head and then frowns.

"What happened to your face?" he asks. I smile and look over to Wyatt and Merissa.

"They happened," I chuckle. "It turns out living on my own in the wild for a few months makes you a little rusty in the combat department," I tell him with a shrug. This past week, the Red Guard have been training me hard. I have never been able to match them completely anyway. They are, after all, the most elite warriors in Vivelle. Only Fallon is able to best them, though I can get close. However, after not training for so long I proved easy pickings for my friends. They did not hold back because I was a princess either. This past week, I have spent a lot of my time being thrown onto my arse with a sword at my throat.

Not long after Nianzu's return, we all gather for a meeting and get ready for our plan to begin. Afterwards, we all go back to our tents to pack our bags. There is something oddly exciting about packing my bag again and readying to travel. I can't wait to see more of Vivelle. Once I have everything, we all gather.

"Okay," I begin as I address everyone. "These next few months are going to be dangerous and difficult as we all already know. We are going to have to tread so carefully in order for there to be as little collateral damage as possible. However, as I have previously stated," I look at Adam and the other Centaurs, "You need to mentally prepare yourself," I tell them solemnly. "By going against my father, you are putting you trapped loved ones at risk." Adam looks down and closes his eyes. After a few moments, he nods his head.

"We understand the risk," he tells me. "We are willing to take it in order to gain our freedom again." I nod.

"Okay. The closest mine is Flon mine. It is very remote with no cities around it and probably the least guarded one," I begin. "I believe that my team will be able to shut it down. We will need some centaurs with us to guide their young back here. Harlon will be in charge of this camp in all the leaders' absence with the help, of course with the Mer King and Siren King. Harlon," I look at the Red Guard member. His dark tanned skin, tall muscular build and stern face making him the perfect person to command. "It is your responsibility to keep this place locked down and a secure place for the Centaurs returning from the mines. You are also in charge of training the Sirens, Mer and the remaining centaurs." He nods his head. "I will most likely be gone for a few months so there is plenty of time to learn. What you all need to do, however, is to plan an escape route in case somehow you are found."

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