My mom's Mind

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Okay so I have this huge trip coming up and I am rooming two of my favorite people in the whole world! Nothing could possibly get me down about this right? RIGHT? Wrong! See there is 4 to a room not three so we ended up rooming with another person. This person whose name shall remain anonymous, is a transgender. So he was born a girl but wants to be a boy. I have absolute no problem with his decision. I mean if I was a close enough friend I would even encourage him to do what he feels is right for him. Now my mom is another problem. She is still close minded and doesn't know that he would never pull anything. 

Now something came up and I asked the adviser to please switch the roommates because my mom was uncomfortable. My friends totally was okay with it because they happen to know my mom. But I thought that would be the end of the whole conversation but NO! My mom comes home and yells at me that I shall have no contact with him. I mean she says that he is crying for help and is a B*****. I mean I get where she is coming from. I mean she grew up in a word where all this was like forbidden or something but still! My mom even said that there are certain places for where people like him go and that my school should not be opening "kids" up to "people like him". I mean she can't even say his correct name. But the thing is that this wasn't the first time she has brought up something like this. 

I mean she is like this for all people that are part of the LGBT community. Even if they play something on TV. Has anyone heard of the movie called Call Me By Your Name?  Well we were at Red Box and when she saw what it was about, she made this face like it was poison and immediately said NO!  She said that she didn't want to watch to F****** play around.  ( You can fill in that blank, I don't like using the word.) I just sighed and thought about something else. 

For me I have no problem with it. Some of my best friends are Bi or Gay. I don't care because I see them for what's on the inside not for who they like. It mighty seem silly but I have always wanted a gay guy best friend. Might be stereotypical but it would be so funny if we started to fight over guys! 

I know where my mom is coming from but if she would just open her mind up then she would see what I see that no matter what color, race, sex, or what gender you like we are still people and we have feelings. 

Okay I think I am done for now. See you next time I need a place to rant!


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