Rick Riordan Is Out Of His Mind ( in my opinion)

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So remember all this is in my opinion, not everyone feels this way. Just keep that in mind while you read the following rant.

Hey, people so I haven't ranted in a while because my life has been going pretty good. I just got back on Saturday from my trip to New York where I had an awesome time and I hope I can go back. But ever since then everything has been fine until I read Rick Riordan's The Burning Maze.

Now don't read this if you haven't read the Apollo Trials: The Burning Maze. This contains spoilers.

I was in Walmart and happened to be reading the book and I was at the end and I was reading it I was enjoying the book cuz Rick Warren books are amazing. Then I read that Jason Grace is that and I almost had a tantrum in Walmart. It was like killing off your favorite book character in the whole series. Granted my favorite character is Percy Jackson, from the Percy Jackson series which in my opinion is Rick Warden best series. But still, it has to be out of his mind to kill off Jason Grace. 

Who does that?

And the worst thing is is that no one had the chance to say goodbye to him, not Leo, not Piper, not Percy or Annabeth and he didn't even come back! I mean I would be okay with it if he came back from the dead but no he just dies like a normal mortal I mean he's a demigod who in their right mind kills a demigod without some kind of huge battle. But no he decides to save Apollo's butt who by the way got his Godliness because of a mistake. So he has the kill one of the best demi-gods I have ever loved. 

Once I read the part where he is dead I put it down threw a mini tantrum and pulled my mom out of the shop. I was having a great summer and then I read this and it is now ruined.

Now some of you might not be able to understand why I am so mad so let me put this into perspective.

Take your favorite series or book, find one of your favorite characters and imagine that the author killed that person off. Feel ticked off yet? Well now imagine that everyone who the person loves or he/she loved never got to say goodbye. Now, this is what I felt.

I mean most will think why do I feel so strongly about books but I have always grown up with them. My mom had them, my sister and I have always felt that it was my strong suit. I'm not very good at math or PE, but I have always been good at reading and writing. 

Books gave me an escape from reality. Where I can dream about whatever I like. Whether it was a forbidden romance, or fantasy creatures or even where I can dream about romance that will never happen for me. Books provided it all.

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