False Alarm?!

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This is an experience that happened to an aunt of mine while she was pregnant with her second daughter. I believe, if I remember correctly, she was in hospital due to feeling unwell and the doctors insisted she stay a few days just to be safe.

She was lying in a ward room that had only 2 beds in it and, much to her satisfaction, she was alone. This room was down a long passage and around the corner to the right - I remember, because we visited her.

She was lying on her side facing the door when, in her half asleep/half awake state, saw a tall figure dressed in a nun's habit walk in and to the end table next to her bed. For some reason she did not see this as odd. Perhaps it was due to her exhaustion. She saw this person walk around the bed to the other side. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and when she opened them the figure was gone.

It was only the next day that she thought about this and found it strange, because the nurses at the hospital wore blue uniforms. It took her a moment or two to realise what had happened and even though she felt no malice from this entity, she was still a bit creeped out.


False Alarm?

This is just an experience we've had at our house, but the two incidents could be unrelated. A few months ago we had this terrible problem with our alarm system that would keep going off in the middle of the night and also during the day when we're at work.

It started off as our alarm going off at night. Now I'm sure those of you who have alarm systems knows exactly how loud those things can be. I'd swear you could hear it from 2 blocks away.

Being frightened there's an intruder, we would wait for the alarm company to call to inform us the armed response guys are on their way. The caller would on more than one occasion tell us that the trigger came from within our garage. Our alarm sensors are pet friendly, but once the coast is clear, we would go into the garage to make sure that the window in there is closed and none of the cats got in and jumped on the car triggering the alarm. The window is always closed for safety reasons.

Then it started happening while we were at work, always around 12:00 AM. Since we are not there we will wait for the operator to phone us back informing us of intruders or not. I think it was the 4th time this happened, but we got a call from the alarm company saying that our front door is wide open, but that the security guys can't get in because of the gates (we have two safety gates in front plus the front door itself that gets locked). I rushed home frantically thinking someone got in through one of the bedroom windows (despite all our windows having Spanish bars on them) and was trying to get out through the front door. I got there. Door closed and latched. I was incredibly angry and phoned the alarm company lodging a complaint against the security guys for falsely informing us. The operator called back saying both the security guys are adamant that the door was wide open and that they still called out to see if someone was inside.

Considering that I've always felt like something was walking around the house at night, it did cross my mind that perhaps this could be related.

Well, we no longer have that problem, but the business that is around the corner from us has their alarms triggered each night around 12PM and much to the chagrin of the owner who has to come out each time it's triggered to look around for forcible entries.

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