Those Sounds

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Over the past fortnight I have found that the activity in my home has risen and I have begun to notice little things like sounds, or shadows or things moving so I just wondered if anyone could help me figure out what is doing these things?

My first set of experiences was about a eight days ago. I came up the stairs to go to the bathroom and noticed that all the lights on the landing where switched on and because me and my family had been watching a movie downstairs with all the lights off I was confused on how they had all been turned on (even the manual bedroom lights were turned on). So I just turned the lights off and went to the bathroom and when I was washing my hands I looked into the reflection of the tap (which is able to reflect the first few steps of the stairs) there was a shadow in the shape of a man, stood on the stairs, facing the door. I froze and watched it for a few minutes before it sort of faded and I rushed downstairs.

My second set of experiences were the day after I had seen the shadow man. I was lying in bed trying to sleep and (my Dad installed a DVD Player for me) the DVD player kept turning on and off, because the little power button is lit up and changes colour when you turn it on and then off again. I was laying down in my bed just watching it turn on and off again. I thought that it could have been receiving signals from a nearby house or my brothers room but the DVD Player is turned on and off either manually by pressing the button or by using the controller, which was on top of my shelf on the opposite side of the room. After a while I got pretty annoyed because I wanted to sleep and couldn't so I said, "Go away, I'm trying to sleep" and it just stopped. It turned off and didn't turn back on for the whole night, but the room went quite cold for a few seconds even though we had the heating on (it wasn't like I could see my own breath but it was a noticeable change in temperature).

The third set of experiences were scattered around after the other two and they seemed to be little noises or things. The earliest one was when my Dad had been working late so was sleeping through the day and I went upstairs to my bedroom to get something and (my Dad doesn't snore at all) I heard this grunt, like a pig would do, but only quite a bit louder. When I heard it, I went to check on him and he was sound asleep. Neither of my family downstairs heard it either.

A few days later I was the only one awake in the house and it was quite early (I couldn't sleep) so I went to make myself some cereal. When I went to get the milk, I usually get the milk out, shut the fridge and put the milk back in when I'm done. So I got the milk out, shut the fridge and began to use it when, right beside me I could hear the hum that you get if you open the fridge door (you can't hear it if the fridge is closed). And I turned to look at the fridge and both doors, the top and bottom, where open about four inches. When I turned to look at them I heard the distinct but quiet giggle of a small girl, maybe about 6yo, behind. I turned around and there was no one there. I tested the fridge doors, trying to open them but they have quite strong magnets in and you have to give it a yank before it opens, so I could find no way in which they had opened by themselves.

I have also heard shushing whispers from my parents room when there is no one in there and books, specifically my books, being put in weird places like in a cereal box when no one says they've touched them.

And, just about half an hour ago when my Mum walked out of the room, I heard another giggle, which freaked me out a bit because I have no sisters and I saw the computer chair (big black leather thing) move slightly towards the door like someone pushed it. I knew the computer chair moved because in the room (the living room) we have white walls which make the chair stand out. I asked my Mum if she heard anything but she said no.

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