I don't give second chances

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I don't give second chances

I don't hesitate to let people go on their second go. I do not need to go through that emotional pain any more than I already have. With new people, it feels like I am walking on eggshells, I have to be careful about what I say and do. I know that if I lose someone dearest to me, I know that I would let them in my life right away...but if they have hurt me several times, abused my friendship and love, I don't hesitate. I let people go because I've been hurt a thousand times by others who thought that they could walk in and out of my life as they pleased. They gave me false hope and never once thought about how I felt. They accused me and blamed everything on me, no matter if they did it or not. I was the test dummy everyone uses, it's just so funny how many people dispose of me once they are done with me. I am not a test dummy though and I rather my emotions not being toyed with. I only give one chance for others to correct their mistakes and if they go anywhere close to doing it again, then they lost me. Horrible way of friendship, yes but I rather have a few friends and be on my own than being betrayed.

To the ones going through this, this explanation is logical, but it's also a life lesson for everyone. Do not let people come in and out of your life, if they are doing that they are only in it because they want something from you. They are using you to their advantages and you will get nothing out of it. Do not give people more than two chances, they strike out on the third, I learned it's better to strike them out on the second so then I don't get hurt anymore. Whatever you choose is fine, just know who your true friends are. The ones who are just there like a parasite, do not let them infect your life with false hope, you do not need that pain. I have gained emotional scars over my 18, almost 19 years of living. Trust me when I say it's better having a few friends than a whole crowd full of them.

To the ones who go in and out of peoples lives, stop. If you don't want the person, don't do that to them. You are slowly hurting them and giving them a sense of false trust. When you do that to a person, it damages them and makes them have more trust issues. If you don't want them, leave, you just better give them a good damn reason for why you are leaving them.

And to the ones who are entering my life and other, remember I don't give second chances and others probably who won't either.


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