07. whole lotta lotta gang shit

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A/N: I highkey made myself laugh with that title. This is a shorter chapter, a least for me. Comment and tell me how you feel about long v.s short chapters!

s short chapters!

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"Aye stop right here!"

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"Aye stop right here!"

I quickly pressed the breaks and King jumped out of my car, running towards a lemonade stand across the street. 

"Bro, I gotta get back to school!" I yelled. 

He waved me off and turned back to the lemonade stand. Once you're a senior you basically have all the credits you need, with the exception of math and other core classes. I had my sixth period off, so I went to get an early lunch with King. I parked my car and got out, walking over to the lemonade stand. 

The stand was run by two little white kids, I had no idea why they were on this side of town since they dressed like they could buy my entire house. 

"Y'all gonna get me my lemonade or what?" King said. 

"Sorry, mister." The black haired boy said as he rushed over to the blonde one. 

He handed King a foam cup in exchange for a dollar. King chuckled as he started to whisper. "You think I should call the police on these lil' white kids for nothin?" he asked, laughing at himself. 

Of course, King would think it was his duty as a black man to call the cops on two innocent white kids in a black neighborhood. If the police came they would probably arrest him instead, I'm sure he has a least ten warrants out for his arrest. 

"They look rich enough to sue you," I told him. "Maybe not."

King ignored my answer and redirected his attention to the boys and their stand. "Y'all little niggas got a permit?" he took a sip of his lemonade. 

The black haired boy looked at him with a puzzled face. He adjusted his glasses. "What?" 

"I said, do y'all little niggas got a permit?" King repeated.

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