21. pussy party

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This new layout is trash, period. 

Anyways, new chapter! My goal is to write two more tonight so they can go up this week. Also, a made a new cover, lemme know what y'all think!

Oh! Even though we're in March this is still taking place in December and it'll probably skip a little to February in a few chapters. This is a shorter chapter (at least for me), the next one will be longer!

 This is a shorter chapter (at least for me), the next one will be longer!

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"Wait, y'all are dating dating?"

"Bro I had no idea you were into guys!"

"Are you the boy or the girl?"

"Does his dick get in the way when y'all fuck?"

"Since you're gay do you think you can help me pull hoes?"

"So who wears the pants?"

"You know, I always knew you were a lil' sweet."

"Everyone shut up!"

There were around thirty kids surrounding our lunch table bombarding us with the most uncomfortable questions I've ever heard. 

Didn't y'alls momma's teach y'all that some things aren't meant to be asked?

Amour and I decided to skip half the school day and join everyone else during lunch. Was it the best idea? No. Was I surprised that everyone didn't suddenly hate me? Yeah.

It took a lot of will power to walk into the lunch room hand in hand with Amour. I expected to walk in on a riot with pitchforks and torches, not a normal lunchroom with literally no one paying attention to us. Well, except for Reese, the moment she seen the two of us she started clapping excitedly with the cheesiest smile on her face. 

We passed the sea of students, earning a few glances but nothing too major. Devany smiled at us which surprisingly calmed my nerves down a lot. Once we reached our regular lunch table with Reese and Drake everything was weirdly normal, except for the fact that I have a boyfriend now. 

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