10:23 pm

8 1 1

don't say you love me if you don't mean it

don't look me in the eye and say "you complete me"

when you're perfectly whole without needing pieces

don't tell me you can't live without me

as I watch the continuous rise and fall of your chest

you're breathing

don't tell me you can't imagine a life without me

yet you wake up everyday

happier than you've been

don't tell me I'm all you need

when I wasn't enough but she was

don't look me in the eyes and tell me these lies

you know I'll believe them

every single word you say

I'll swallow whole

because while you lie to me

and string me along

I cling to every word

like they are a lifejacket

and I was at risk of drowning


it's funny how sharing my poems , the thing i am the most scared of, always feels like home.

enjoy x

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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