Past Reviled

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Naruto took a deep breath and started.

"First I will answer the question, Why did I freeze up, to answer that I will tell you what that mark means,"Naruto started to unbutton his over coat and take it off, no one asked anything, because they knew he had a purpose for taking it off in the first place, "That mark is the mark of a cult of people who torture people for their own entertainment," As he started to say this he lifted his shirt up and off his body and put it on the ground, to say that they saw the same mark on him was an understatement, they all started to think the worse before Naruto spoke again,"They use this mark to mark the people they capture to use for the torture, and yes I was one of  the unlucky people who got tortured." After he said this everyone stared at him in shock. The Hokage started to tear up, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Lee, Tenten, Neji, Choji, and he sensei all stared at him in shock. Hinata, Ino, and Sakura were no better than the Hokage, and Sasuke was staring at Naruto starting to realized just how sweet his life is/been compared to his. All of their thoughts were interrupted by Naruto who asked, "does anyone want me to go on?" They all had to think about this then nodded to say they wanted him to continue,"Fine, but don't blame me if you can't sleep for days." After saying this Naruto retold his past as much as he could remember.


Naruto woke up to another day in hell, as he called it. He woke up to the pounding of a metal hammer against his cages bars. He refused to get up so they had to drag him out. They dragged him to their boss who always in the shadows hiding her face. He knew it was a her, because he could hear it in the voice. Of course, he never figured out who this person was. Every time he came here it was so they could ask what to do with Naruto. She mostly answered with whatever. 

This lead to him not getting fed for days. He would be starved, but he still wouldn't budge. This lead to his first torture session with one of the elate guards. This was one session he wouldn't forget. 

The day started like any other day he refused to get up so he was dragged to the shadow boss, as he called her. When he got there something was different. The air had an evil felling to it that sent shivers down his spine. When he was dragged into the room he was knocked out before he stopped moving completely. When he came too, he was chained to a stone table. He a a 5 inch thick chain on both arms and legs. They were tight enough to stop all movement he made. He was completely trapped for the first time in his life. He felt like screaming for help, but knew he couldn't unless he wonted this to be harder. He opted for staying completely still and listening to his surroundings. Soon after a buff man entered the room. This made him tense up and hold his breath, For the first time in years Naruto felt scared for his life, but he still wouldn't show it. He laded there staring emotionless at the man towering above him. Then he laughed this scared Naruto, still he didn't show it. instead he dedicated to make the man mad. Not very smart choice. 

"Man, your breath stinks," Naruto said this with his fake toothy smile. This made the man stop laughing and glare at the young boy on the table in front of him.

"Someones a brave brat," He sneered, "but there is a fine line between brave and idiotic."

This made Naruto mad and spit into the mans eyes as soon as he was close enough. The man was a good 6' 4'' and had black short hair. He had a tattoo going from the top of his forehead above his right eye that went down to his cheek bone. It was a crimson and it made Naruto wonder if it was real blood. That was all Naruto could look at before the man came back over to the table Naruto was laying on looking at him with only outrageous hate in his eyes.

"I will make this a night from hell for you little boy." After he said this he got to work first he tightened the chains till he popped Naruto shoulders and hips out of place. This was almost enough to make Naruto cry out, but he kept it in. The man looked at him an sneered he then went up to his arms and broke them in three different places. He didn't stop there for he then he moved on to his finger and broke them all very slowly. This all made Naruto start to cry. Satisfied that he made Naruto cry he moved on to whipping the poor boy. He didn't stop till Naruto's shirt was in rages and he was an the verge of crying. He didn't stop there though. He left the room and Naruto thought he was safe, boy was he wrong. In another two minutes a different man came in and unchained him. For a second Naruto thought he was going to save him, but thought better of it.

This new man lead Naruto down a long hallway and on the way Naruto spotted a small crack in the wall. That would be his way out. He had apparently had stopped because there was a harsh tough on his arm that made him flinch to the pain the pull caused. As they neared a door Naruto started to fell uneasy at the felling he got from that door. It smelt like death and he could fell the fear in the air from previous captives. This was enough to make his body shake. He was pulled into the room then the door slammed closed and was locked. The man was standing there next to some type of chair. With a closer look Naruto saw a thick wire coming off of the chair and into the wall. The chair had straps to hold down a prisoner and there were water bucket filled to the brim with water everywhere. It took less than a minute for Naruto to figure out what was going to happen to him. He began to shake harder as he heard the man start to move closer to him. He couldn't stop himself he got up on shaky legs and backed away from the man. His logical side knew that he couldn't get away he never could, but he felt like he had to try. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like this could the feeling be fear. Fear of this man, fear of what he could do, fear of never getting out, fear fear fear. That's all he could fell and it told him to back up and run. So, that is what he did, well what he would've done if he didn't com face to face with the locked door. He spun around again and pushed himself into the door trying to make himself as small as possible. When the man grabbed his arm something in him snapped and he started to kick and yell for him to let go. He was beyond frightened. He was terrified. 

All his kicking was useless for he was dragged into the chair and strapped in. His first thought was to get out so he struggled against his bonds. This all stopped when the first electric shock went through him. He froze then screamed. This continued till he passed out from the pain. The man whispered "My name is Demous Uchiha." before he passed out.

-------------------------------------------------------End Flashback------------------------------------------------------

"Wait, you knew another Uchiha?" asked a confused Sasuke. 

"Yes, that is also the reason when I learnt you were an Uchiha I was caucus around you."

"I remember you always seemed to shy away from me."

"Sometimes I still do," Admitted Naruto as he looked sadly at the ground, "Anyway can I continue with my story?" Getting nodes for everyone he continued.

---------------------------------------------------------Flashback continued------------------------------------------

For the next 7 years the same thing happened over and over again. One day he got free of the chair and, in his hast, was able to knock down the door. He ran till he found the crack in the wall. He used his own hands to dig out a hole in the wall while hopping no one came this way. Sooner than he thought he was able to see a tiny light he would've missed if he hadn't been in the dark his hole life. Seeing this gave him power he never thought he had and he punched the wall till it broke and fell apart. Being as small as he was he squeezed his way through the wall and ran as fast as he could as he heard shouts from the guards and yelling of other things. He didn't stop running until he got to the docks. He then jumped into the nearest boat and used his hand to paddle. Lucky the fog was thick so the couldn't follow him through it. He soon fell asleep with a small smile on his face. I'm free was his only thought before he fell into his first peaceful sleep.

 I'm free was his only thought before he fell into his first peaceful sleep

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