Chapter 12

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I turned and saw Tom, the guy who played beer pong with me, "Oh hey, Tom right?" I asked unsurely.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me win the game." He said, shifting around nervously.

"No problem." I said, anxious to get back to Maya.

"Hey do you mind telling me how you did win the game?"

"Uh..." I craned my neck and saw Maya and Asher talking, and Maya was giggling. I wanted to give them some alone time. I checked my phone and it was only 10. So I decided to talk with Tom.

I told him that I used physics and calculated the distance and the speed needed to have the perfect shots.

He listened eagerly, soaking up every word.

"Do you want to get a drink?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied cautiously.

We went to a place that I assumed was the kitchen.

He got out two cans of beers and passed one to me.

"I don't drink." I refused politely, handing him back the beer.

"Then maybe you should try this." He got a bottle from the top shelf and gave it to me.

"What's that?" I asked, eyeing that bottle with distrust.

"It's alcohol, but it's sweet-"

I opened it and pour a cup and drank it greedily, taking big sips, I hadn't realize how thirsty I was. I almost finish the first cup and was onto my next.

"-but you will also get drunk easily, especially if you never drink before." He finished.

"Oh." Realizing that I might had made a big mistake.

"Just don't drink too much." He warned me.

"Ok." I said as I poured a second cup.

Then we just kept on talking, talking about the most random stuff, and I couldn't help myself but keep on drinking it, it's really so good. Unlike those beers and wine and stuff. Soon I began to feel a bit dizzy.

"I wanted to ask you, is Maya Gaural your friend?" He asked nervously, his eyes shifting around.

So that's what he wanted to ask the whole time.

"Yes she is."

"Isshesingle." He was speaking so fast I could barely understood.

"Yes she is single." I answered. I eyed him suspiciously, "why did you asked?"

"Well, I danced with her and she is very pretty and seems so nice, I was wondering if I can like, ask her out?" His cheeks were now slightly pink.

"Well she is single but-" I'm really glad that Tom likes her and he seems nice and all, but Maya likes Asher.

"Hey Tom we need to leave, or else mom will kill us." A guy interrupted me.

"Oh yea, bye Laura it was nice meeting you." Tom said, giving me a hug, and left before I could finish my sentence.

My mind kept spinning and thinking of all the possibilities while I kept drinking.

Tom likes Maya, but Maya likes Asher, but who does Asher likes? Will Maya have a chance? Will Maya even like Tom?

"Where were you?" An angry Asher suddenly appeared besides me.

"Here?" My brain couldn't process why he was so angry and why was he suddenly here.

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