My New Favorite Memory

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A/N- Hey loves,

This is a new version of this book, things have changed, and I've added new characters. I repeat things will not be the same, I hope you enjoy this new version. I am still figuring out, how I want the new cover to look like.


Rayne pov.


I stopped sketching, taking one of my AirPods out, making eye contact with my teacher. Realizing she called my name, I wonder for how long.

"Yes, Mrs.Brown?" Hoping she'll repeat what she said. I never pay attention in this class. I know I should. But, if I'm passing with flying colors, I must be doing something right.

"Am I interrupting you, is Social Studies not interesting to you?" Well, if we being honest, it's not. I know she is waiting for me to say something smart, but honestly I hope she telling me I'm going home.

"I apologize. For not paying attention in your class." Clasping my hands together, resting them on my table. I could tell she was ready for an argument. Not that I'm rude, it's just sometimes I talk before thinking.

I mean, I don't care for this class. It's the same crap over and over again every year.

Let's talk about current events going on. Let's talk about how things aren't changing within our country. Let's talk about George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, and all the other victims killed, at the hands of police. Not knowing when you'll be put in the position, of not knowing if you're going to make it home, safely.

"Oh, well, they want you at the front office." Not really knowing what to do, she stares at the papers on her desk.

I get out of my seat, grabbing my phone and make my way out the door. As i'm walking to the office, I see an acquaintance, Jordan sitting in the chair by the principal office.

"What did you do now?" I whispered. But, unfortunately he heard me. Let me tell though, this boy has no respect whatsoever. Baby, if I acted the way he did, my behind would be tore up so fast, by my parents.

"I told Mrs.Riah,  I don't know how her husband can wake up everyday to that face." Shaking my head, looking at him with disgust. " I also told her, I see why he cheated." Laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Jordan that's not funny, thats rude, for real. You act like teachers wanna wake up to be harassed by fuckers like you. That lady is so sweet!"

I swear I couldn't be a teacher, I would be fired in a heartbeat. They way I would've fought these people kids. The disrespect they get for trying to their job, is utterly ridiculous.

"Well, I lied. I didn't want to break your heart." He sang in an awful voice. Trying to redo Nicki's song, I lied.

"I don't have time for you. I have to see why I'm here." Shaking my head, trying to keep my comments to myself. I walk into Mr.Davis's office, the principal.

"Welcome, Ms.Rayne, how are you?" he said, smiling at me. Opening his blinds, as he walks back to his desk.

"Good." Sitting down in the chair in front of his desk. Trying to get out here as fast as I can. I was not asking him how he was doing. Even though I know, he wouldn't talk as long as other teachers.

"Well, I'm doing good, thanks for asking." Giving the nod in my direction, trying not to smile.

"I didn't ask," I muttered under my breath, playing around.

I guess he heard what I said, since he chuckled. "My nephew just moved to this school, and I want you to show him around." He said, making his way from around his desk, playing with a rubric cube.

I Excite Him (Republishing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon